Hi @Travis_Snoozy, thanks for the quick and detailed answer. Unfortunately, I don’t have a USB inline meter
maybe I will buy one in the next few days… but from now I’m intrigued with this system… for example, With a script to measure the total power draw from the battery that looks like this:
while true; do
echo - | awk "{printf \"%.2f\", \
$(( \
$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/current_now) * \
$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/voltage_now) \
)) / 1000000000000 }" ; echo ""
sleep 0.5
Then I use this command to create a graph of the power consumption during a time period:
~/.scripts/battery_power_draw.sh | gawk '{ printf("%.2f\n", $1); fflush();}' | ttyplot -s 80 -t "Total Powerfrom Battery [watts]" -u "whatts"
I put the power profile in performance (something that I didn’t have when the notification of insufficient power was triggered) and used the stress
program to generate stress on the system with 16 threads of execution, the CPU goes to 100% of usage, then I get a max consumption of 51w see:
I also want to see from that total what amount of power will draw the CPU only so I use this:
sudo turbostat --Summary --quiet --show PkgWatt --interval 1 | gawk '{ printf("%.2f\n", $1); fflush();}' | ttyplot -s 80 -t "Turbostat - CPU Power [watts]" -u "whatts"
and I get a max power consumption from the CPU of 35w, see:
We have a difference of 16w that we can attribute to the rest of the machine…
So far so good we have not exceeded the 60w of the charger, but then I ran the same stress test with the computer connected to the power source. Now we can’t measure the total power consumption from the battery but we still can measure the power consumption from the CPU, and we have a peak of 55.2w of power consumption, see:
If we add 55.2w of the CPU usage plus the 16w of the consumption of the rest of the system we have a 71.2w of peak consumption. That is a lot more than the 60w that the power adapter can deliver. We have to take this measurements with a big grain of salt because I’m using max values and my methodology may not be the best but I will continue taking a look at this and if in the future I buy the USB-C inline meter I will put my findings here too. Thanks again and happy Sunday.