Framework 13 DIY 11th Gen w/ AX210 - Network Card not detected on either Ubuntu or Windows

My network card (“Intel AX210NGW”) does not show up on either Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or Windows 11. Strangely, Bluetooth works, though. I followed the official Framework guides for either OS install to the letter. I have tried booting from USB, as well as the “Try Linux” option. I have tried using Bluetooth tethering to install updates on Ubuntu, and have installed the specified Windows drivers. I have tried updating the BIOS (again, the specific version outlined in the guide). I also checked the antenna connectors and card seating several times.

I really don’t have a problem ordering a new card, but given that this is the tested setup, I’d like to eliminate any other potential issues from the realm of concern. Please advise.

Don’t have another laptop by chance to try it in? Could try reseating, checking pins in socket are clear and pins on card are clear of debris.

Like you say could be a bad card. Probably the most likely scenario.

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I had gotten a faulty 11th gen main board where the PCI connecting to the wifi slot was non-functional. The Bluetooth functions of the card (over the USB2 pins) showed up in lsusb, but the wifi half was conspicuously absent from lspci . FW swapped out the mainboard for me and the replacement has been great since. Contact support?