Framework internal display connector to DP port?

This has already been done actually, let me go find the post.


@SteveHeist If you want an exact pinout for the Framework eDP connector, it is also listed in that thread a little farther up.


@GhostLegion I was looking at that at one point, and it looks like they’re doing the inverse of what I was asking about (although I explained it poorly in my original post so that’s my bad) - ie they’re adapting the eDP on the Display Module to a DP for input whereas I was asking about possibly adapting the eDP on the Mainboard as output. @nrp mentioned in passing that the modules they found in that thread might be able to accomplish that with a special cable but as far as I can tell said cable doesn’t exactly exist, and as much as I would like to see it made I don’t have the expertise to ensure I don’t just cook off a motherboard or display by sending 5V to the wrong pin. I’ll definitely keep an eye on that thread though - it may be worth reiterating my thoughts on that thread as it seems to have more eyes on it.


Do you mean having a connection to the eDP to a DP for a normal screen so it doesn’t take up any ports?

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yep, that’s what he meant

ahh I need that too then

I stumbled upon something interesting:

Asrock has a screen that connects to embedded display port connector, not sure if it could be adapted to Framework though (considering standards and stuff)

Somebody would have to buy that and try it. I have no idea if it’d be successful or not.

eDP can be adapted to full size DisplayPort with a simple passive cable, just hooking up the signals for full-size DisplayPort and ignoring the power and backlight stuff. But since the Framework uses a custom eDP cable, you’d need a little breakout board to adapt the Framework eDP to a standard eDP socket or a customized cable.

As for going the other way and using other laptop screens like the ASRock one, eDP is pretty standard in terms of the video signal but I have no idea if the power and backlight specs are the same, even if the pinout is.


I’m also interested in adapting the onboard eDP port to standard DP connector as a display out. As @Paul_Combe said, this should be achievable with a custom cable or some such that routes the DP signals out. Thankfully, the display connector on both the mainboard and display panel sides is documented on the Github. I was planning to get parts and make an adapter cable but the issue I’m running into is sourcing the mating connector that connects to the mainboard side.
Any chance @Framework could make the display cable used for the display kit available on its own? The rest should be straightforward since FFC connectors/breakout boards for the display side aren’t hard to find online.

Edited: Spelling/grammar

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I am also interested to see internal eDP to either HDMI or Full size DP board. So far I have found this (GeekWorm EDP to HDMI Adapter).

From the description it seems it will do the job however it is super expensive for an adapter board.


There is also this one.


If there isn’t a fantastic board for this, does it make sense to just design something and manufacture it on PCBWay? a non-assembled board might be $85 for 100 pcs assuming 2-layer 50x50mm.

I haven’t used PCBway yet, but maybe this is a plausible first project. I haven’t done electrical engineering in 20 years, but maybe others would want to work on it too?

You probably can’t just use a board, that’s the easy part, problem is you need a cable and those are a lot harder to have made.

A board that takes the display side of the stock cable and converts it to a dp connector could be pretty doable though (40pin edp in, dp out). But the dp signal lines need to be length matched and stuff which may not be the easiest “babys first pcb” project out there.

Also you can get small orders of 2 layer boards for a lot less than 85bucks, no need to make 100pcs of a prototype.

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This adapter should work fine:

It’s USB-c but I do actually prefer that because it’s smaller. You can just buy a seperate USB-C to DP cable.

This is unfortunately the wrong direction, pin-out may still be right but both sides trying to power each other that may not be good.


I found this for eDP to HDMI: (it has a 40-pin eDP input with .5 mm pitch)
and this for eDP to DP:

I have the first one and will give it a try (with the eDP cable sold by Framework) once I get my AMD mainboard upgrade kit.

Let me know if you spot any obvious issue with my plan (I have only superficially looked into it so could very well have missed something).

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That might be a winner if you want hdmi. Looks like just straight edp lanes into an active DP->HDMI converter. And at least the placement of the lanes looks right on first glance.

This one kinda looks like it converts form their custom edp out pinout to dp which is probably not that useful here. Also holy hell the price.

A passive adapter would literally just have to connect the 5 differential pairs (4 lanes and aux) and hot-plug detect (and 3.3v power if you want to use semi passive adapters but I’d just leave this out personally) to the corresponding pins on both ends, nice and length matched and all that but still should not be that hard (famous last words I guess XD).

Thanks Adrian,

I want HDMI (going to turn my 11th gen motherboard into my media HTPC so it’s going to be connected to a TV), so I should be okay with the first adapter board (that I have already received).

On the second link (eDP to DP), the picture shows a much larger board than needed, maybe ITX size, so I think it is not showing the adapter and consequently only focused on the text for determining if it would have a chance of serving the purpose.
And yes, it’s quite expensive for what it is.

Yes I was assuming the picture was a placeholder. Thing is board side edp connectors are absolute wild west and everyone does them differently, sometimes different from product to product from the same manufacturer even. Display side is a lot more “civilized” where there are a few de-facto standards and a few outliers.

Still though an usb-c to hdmi adapter would be the safer solution.

Yes, I also have a USB-C hub that includes an HDMI port as a backup option in case the eDP adapter proves to not work… provided the “not working” would not have fryed the mainboard.

I tried this eDP/DP adapter out to see if it would work, but as expected, it does not. It’s probably doing something with HPD in a way that it’s not just passed through.

eDP to DP would be a trivial board to make, but it seems nobody has ever had a reason to make it before.