Framework should review its after-sales service, there are too many complaints and some "serious" things are read

In theory it should be a more efficient service, as it is very repairable, but there are users who spend up to two months without a laptop. I don’t see this as normal.

It is true that it was said that it was an issue that would improve, but it doesn’t seem to be the case, reading the number of complaints on Reddit.

Perception isn’t reality. People are more likely to complain than people who like and don’t have issues with their product. I recently had to reach out to support to get a port working and it was fixed within an hour. I didn’t bother posting it on reddit…


There is always room for improvement, and we are closely monitoring online reviews and complaints to identify ways to refine our SOPs and processes. That said, if a customer is unwilling to troubleshoot their own issues, replace parts themselves, or send their laptop to a repair center for service, and they also don’t want to participate in the repair process at all, there are other companies offering repair services tailored to such preferences. Customers deserve the best service that aligns with their needs, and we genuinely encourage them to choose a solution that works for them.

We understand that troubleshooting can be time-consuming and frustrating. There are instances where communication between the support team and the customer goes back and forth for days or even weeks before reaching a resolution, such as a part replacement. While there is always room for improvement in this process, to some extent, delays and complexities are expected. However, because this process is outside of many customers’ comfort zones, they might perceive the experience as poor.

From my perspective, there are two key reasons for this perception:

  1. The Complexity of Laptops and Troubleshooting:
    Framework laptops are intricate machines with numerous components, and many customers have third-party parts installed, adding further complexity. Diagnosing the root cause of an issue often requires running various tests and trying multiple steps before pinpointing the faulty part. Replacing parts randomly is not a viable option, which is why the troubleshooting process requires significant time and effort.
  2. Lack of Familiarity with Hardware Troubleshooting:
    For most laptop brands—and hardware companies in general—troubleshooting and part replacements are typically handled by authorized service providers, repair centers, or technicians. Many customers are not accustomed to performing these tasks themselves. Traditionally, technicians diagnose issues, replace faulty parts, and return a repaired device to the customer. Understandably, customers may feel frustrated when asked to perform these tasks themselves, as troubleshooting and handling non-functional units are neither fun nor easy. However, this does not necessarily mean the support team is providing a bad experience.

The majority of Framework customers (at least within the community) are tech-savvy individuals. Many have built their own desktops and are familiar with the components involved. However, tech-savvy customers often dislike following basic troubleshooting steps. Having worked in support for years, I can confirm that many issues are resolved with simple actions like a reset or restart. Yet, some hardware enthusiasts resist these basic steps, feeling insulted when asked to perform them, which they may equate with a poor experience.

As morjuosu already pointed out, people are more likely to share negative experiences online than positive ones. Rarely does someone post on Reddit to say, “I’ve been using my computer for three months without any issues.” It’s simply human nature to voice frustration when things go wrong while staying silent when everything runs smoothly.

Finally, I want to emphasize that I am not invalidating the OP’s experience or their frustration. Dealing with a non-functional laptop is undoubtedly stressful, following long and complicated troubleshooting steps is challenging, and discovering that an initial replacement didn’t resolve the issue is far from ideal. There are certainly areas we need to improve, and we are actively working on them.


First of all, I would like to thank you for your response. But I do not agree with some points.

There are too many complaints in the post, they do not seem to be isolated cases. Just read this post or search on reddit. There are even complaints at the business level.

It is not normal that modular computers take longer to repair than other laptops that are not modular.

It is also not normal that a modular computer has to be sent for repair and the user is without their computer for up to two months.

Even at the business level, support is slow and tedious, as can be read in another post when it should be much more agile.

I do not think that the best solution is to say that if the user wants another type of support, they should go to another company.

So the problem is not the user but the one who does not provide adequate support.

It has been said a thousand times, support must be streamlined and you cannot have waiting periods of one or two months, on equipment where the client is already paying more money than other brands, that is generally bad support, and it is not the user’s fault.

The support service must be reviewed. These are not two or three cases, there are many more.

And I say this critically but respecting the work you do.

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I read every single Reddit post, often reach out to the posters, conduct a deep dive into their cases, and share feedback with our internal teams (quality control, support, reverse logistics, and any other applicable teams). This feedback often helps us improve our processes. For example, the support team recently updated their internal escalation SOP. Agents now share more detailed information when escalating cases to prevent higher-tier agents from asking the customer the same questions repeatedly.

Additionally, we are hiring a Reverse Logistics and Repair Operations Manager and a B2B Support Specialist to enhance our B2B support and repair processes.

I don’t disagree with you; we have room for growth, and we are actively working on it. We genuinely appreciate the criticism—it’s through constructive feedback from customers that we can continue to improve! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply Destroya, I appreciate you replying here and in other opinion posts.



For what it is worth, I had a defective RGB grid on my FW16’s keyboard (DIY) back when I first got it last fall and my service experience was perfectly fine.

Was the diagnostic process tedious - since I had already spent a week diagnosing on my own and was being asked to do it all over again? Yes.

However, as soon as the steps were completed, I was sent an advance replacement and I sent back the bad keyboard upon receipt and confirmation that the replacement fixed my issue. The whole process took about 12 days, including the shipping time for the replacement. Not too bad considering the holidays were fast approaching at the time.

It perhaps could have been faster, but not by much. I was happy with the experience. Am I the outlier or the norm? I don’t know. I just wanted to share a counter experience to FW’s credit.

As someone who provides technical support to people as part of my own work, I can attest that some folks (even supposed professionals) do insist on making it difficult to help them in one or more ways, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I don’t think they are making things difficult on purpose, but they definitely do it :frowning:


I don’t see how that post anywhere proved that a FM takes longer to repair than other laptops…
If anything, it’s showing that getting replacement parts/repair under warranty is doable, and the FM service team seems pretty committed to letting the user keep as much of the original machine as possible.

Compare that experience to say, an HP that suddenly failed. I guess you can take it back to Bestbuy or where ever if you bought it in a third party store? What’re the chances you can call up HP and ask for a new motherboard successfully?
It certainly sounds like there’s something wrong with the OP’s device in this case, it’s weird that not only the original, but the replacement board encountered failure of the usb ports. But that could be tons of different things. A bent chassis? A defective charger? A weird docking setup? Firmware bugs, Windows bugs, User error, on and on.
This is why Dell and HP just take back the whole machine and send you another under their ‘repair’ programs. That or you’re mailing the thing back and waiting months, just like FM ended up doing here.

The flipside is if a motherboard swap, or a screen swap, chassis replacement, etc. worked, but we don’t always see those successes posted about, against the failures we do see in this case, do we? Having right to repair doesn’t magically mean your device is invincible and everything will be seamless and easy. If FM sent out new microphone hardware every time someone misconfigured a Windows setting and muted their mic, you can see how quickly they’d go out of business, and being the tech troubleshooter for most of my family/coworkers, this kind of stuff happens a LOT.
It sucks to have defective hardware, and FM definitely can do more about making sure stuff leaving the factory is in better shape than it does now. That has nothing to do with modularity and design intent though, we should not conflate the 2.


Often times, it seems to be a lack of understanding when it comes to the significance of performing proper thorough diagnostics. In a totally isolated environment, it can be easy to point to something simple as the culprit without understanding everything (hardware, cables, connectors, software) that leads to that simple thing working - failing to see the forest for the trees, as it were.

While I was a little annoyed by the tedium of the diags I was asked to perform by FWCS, I completely understand the need for them. I mean, how much more irritating would it have been if the wrong part was sent in haste?

Plus, Amazon ruined CS with a return policy even they are starting to genuinely regret. People just expect you to return/replace/landfill an entire device over one perceived failure because that is the easiest and fastest way to get the customer off your ass.


Could not agree with this more - I have been somewhat involved in customer support and the things customers expect nowadays are honestly ridiculous. It would be great if companies would be able to offer decent return periods, but if they do they get taken advantage of in ridiculous ways.

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I have had zero issues with my device. Until I bought my Framework over two years ago now, I always bought Thinkpads with the 24hr part and service warranty. I jumped on board because I do feel the mission to change the way laptops are designed and built is a good one, that being said Framework will need to step up its game to compete in the Business space.

I had several experiences with Lenovo Support. All of them were stellar. Without fail I would have a tech at my house or business within 24 hours with the parts, or if it was just parts they were overnighted to me. I did not have to do a days upon days of “troubleshooting”. It broke, I need part x, y, and z. Mailed. Done. Businesses and a lot of people will pay for that.

Consumers and Businesses cannot afford to dump 24 hours of labor and wait a month to have a downed asset fixed. It needs to be fixed ASAP. Anything less is an excuse, and looks llike you are trying to get out of honoring the warranty, regardless the size or age of the company.

Framework needs to fix this. You have a troubleshooting script…divulge it to the customer on the first email, so they can go through all of it post the results and get moving. Not get moving after 20 emails. If they want to skip the troubleshooting part offer a paid for business grade warranty, parts replacement and a separate accidental damage warranty. I will be like “Take my money please”. I never claimed as much on those policies as I paid, but the response time when something broke was what I was paying for and I got that in full.

I am by no means bad mouthing the support crew, but if you want to seriously compete in the Business space it needs to happen. No business pays its IT department to deal with a vendor for 20 hours over one laptop, at that point you get another vendor.