Framework support stopped replying

Hey guys,

This is probably not Framework support’s fault but I had created a support ticket for my laptop not POSTing. I was able to communicate with them fine up to about 5 days ago but then they stopped replying to my emails.

I do use a non-standard email address, but I don’t see anything going to spam for me.

I also apologize if the wait is normal but I had seen usually it’s 1-3 business days was the max wait so I figured that something was up and couldn’t think of another way to contact.

I don’t know if there is somewhere where I can see a support ticket number or anything, if someone could point me in the right direction that’d be great.

I’m afraid there isn’t.

If you send an email, do you still receive an auto-replies just acknowledging that FW’s server received your email? There have been people who’ve had issues with non-standard email providers. A major provider, such as gmail, seems best if there is potential for an issue there.

Be aware, if you got to the point where a warranty replacement might be issued, your ticket may have been transferred to the RMA department. I believe I’ve read recently that they are under a backlog, and contact from them can be delayed. Others have posted about customer service responses seeming to stop & it was due to that.

I’m using FastMail, for context, but it seems like the replies are sending correctly.

This is possible I did run through about 8-10 different things to try to fix it and none of them worked. They told me to send them pictures of the system from multiple angles and I know they viewed the pictures I sent on Google Photos at least. But I was never updated on the status after they looked at the pictures or told that I’d be in the RMA process.

Thanks for the info though, I wish they’d at least say they are handing me over to another team if that is the case

Framework is under additional load and responses can take up to 5 business days. If you were transferred to another team such as the RMA team, they would have notified you in the email. If you don’t receive a response early next week, you can reach out to me.

Hi and welcome to the forum.

One thing oft repeated on the forum is not to send multiple emails that could disrupt the flow.

Weekend now so no doubt another couple of days of the depressing waiting game :frowning:

Take care.

Does the same apply to me because I have not had contact for over a week?

Destroya is not a customer support representative, and you should neither contact them for support issues nor recommend that other people do so.


Nor, for that matter, is TheTRUEAsian. They are a volunteer moderator, not a Framework employee. We have ways to flag things for the support team, but please do not send unsolicited DMs about support to Destroya or the mod team. More info

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oh, my bad, Destroya has asked people to do so in the past, and TheTRUEAsian just mentioned it. This is my misunderstanding and I will stop recommending this to people and edit my previous post. My apologies to anyone inconvenienced by my confusion


Yes I did something similar. It’s difficult to stand by and see the stress users are going through:


As a user myself and not someone affiliated with framework or the forum, I simply use all the knowledge I’ve gathered from being on the forums for so long to offer options to others. There isn’t really a good way to deal with the issue of “Support has stopped responding to me” when it rarely occurs. This isn’t a dig at Framework Support, mistakes happen, but I simply try to offer the best solution I understand there to be, which is now “make a post about it on the forum, and it will get flagged” if I still misunderstand this, mods please correct me.

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Yes, a post here on the forums will, where possible, be flagged for the team, though it is still important to note that the forums are not an official support method and you are not guaranteed an official response by doing so. You could also reach out via a different email address and include your order number and how long it has been since you received a reply, asking for an update.

It’s important to note that not receiving a response for a few days may be normal, depending on the status of your case and what team it has been escalated to, as the different support tiers and the specialized teams (RMA, engineering, etc.) have different backlogs and work different hours. This is especially true now, as Framework Support is still working through a huge backlog from Framework Laptop 16.

If you do post about it, please be sure to include when your most recent contact with support was (preferably, dates for your last email to them and their last email to you), and a summary of the contents of those messages (were they asking you for troubleshooting steps? did they tell you they were escalating your case? etc.)

Most often, cases where someone did not receive a response are either that the customer did not respond to an email, or the case in the queue and the support team is working their way to it. Occasionally, it’s an issue with a custom mail server not receiving mail or being blocked by Framework due to mis-configured sender authentication or low IP reputation. Rarely, a ticket is mis-routed, though I’m only aware of this happening twice since I’ve been on the mod team. Using a mainstream mail provider, double-checking your inbox and spam folder, and being patient nearly always solves it, and where it doesn’t we try to make sure someone has eyes on it when we can.

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I had thought about doing this but I had thought for account security reasons that may be not the best solution, only reason I went to the forums to see if others knew what might be happening.

July 8th they asked me to peel off some stickers to reveal what I’m assuming the power portions of the mainboard are and take pictures of all angles of the laptop. On July 9th I sent them the pictures. That was the last meaningful comms I had. I did later reply to see if I could get a status update since I was starting to suspect that my emails weren’t being received or something.

I understand the delays due to the huge backlog though, but I didn’t know that I was put into a separate backlog for a different team potentially. So now understanding that I understand why the wait time is longer now, since I was put into another queue.

Didn’t mean to spark a moderation war btw, just trying to understand what might be happening with my laptop. Thanks for the help guys



The hanging question is how do I as a forum member help.

It seems that sometimes moderators and ‘workers’ engage on the forum with such stressfully slow support issues, so If I see one I don’t see how it is a problem pinging such a person when I feel really bad about another’s obvious stress.

I will probably not do it again as trying to relieve the stress on one user seems to stress out another which clearly wasn’t the intention.

Still I am in the dark as to how to help in such a situation

While I definitely appreciate the desire to help, only the Framework team is equipped to handle these issues, and it’s best to leave it to them. Adding notifications to sift through on top of all the posts they read only slows that down. Just make sure that the community member has the information from my previous post (about how delays are different depending on support tier) and ask them for the information about their last contact. Other than that, patience is key.


Yes of course :blush:

Thanks for clarification


Thank you for having this conversation, and I apologize for missing it; I was not working. As the lovely mod team has suggested, I am not a support representative and cannot expedite the process. That being said, whenever I see a post like this, I check on our end to ensure that our support team did not do anything wrong and that you are not blocked by an internal issue causing delays.

The community forum is not a support platform. While community members are encouraged to give advice, help troubleshoot issues, or share knowledge base articles others might have missed, the proper route for help is to contact the support team.

We had a support backlog a couple of weeks ago, and our initial responses were delayed. The team has worked hard to resolve this, and the majority of the cases were closed. Some were escalated internally for further investigation, which unfortunately caused a small backlog in the internal queues. This is why Kenneth received fast responses for a while until their issue was escalated internally for further review.

We are currently focusing on this internal queue backlog and hope to resolve it as soon as possible. Feel free to share this information if you see other community members affected by delays. Since it’s an internal queue backlog, the number of affected individuals is quite low compared to the previous one.

I honestly love our community and the enthusiasm to help others within it. I’ve never seen anything like this elsewhere, and I definitely appreciate it.

P.S. Azure is right. I’ve asked people to DM me for certain issues (such as customs delays) in the past. My apologies if this caused any confusion.


I had a similar concern a while back.
Ticket got moved to RMA and it was ~six days before I heard back. After that, things got resolved pretty quickly. Like folks have said, The folks in that department are just working through a lot of of tickets. They’ll get to your spot in line eventually, you’ve just gotta be patient and not panic.