Hello there, after doing some research, I decided that my project has gained enough shape to be shared so that anyone can follow and/or help with the development.
A little bit of backstory to get you bored enough (skip to … if not interested) - how did I get to this point:
I have ASUS TUF DASH F15 laptop with i5 11300H and RTX 3060 and it is kinda good and kinda bad at everything. Not enough performance for my gaming (3440x1440 144Hz kinda sucks with 3060), not enough portability for mobility (2KG + adapter still sucks to carry on my back if I commute on bicycle), no touchscreen (it sometimes comes in really handy for some of my work) and not comfortable for watching movies when sleeping.
I always had this idea of my endgame device, since the PDA age, of a docking one-for-all device, that would be as small as possible and as powerful as possible after docking. That would fulfill a role of a smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop PC.
So I started browsing laptops with sufficient CPU performance, low weight and thunderbolt for eGPU. Problem is, that they were quite expensive and RAM was not upgradeable.
My friend was asking me if we could sometimes do a project and build a laptop, to which I always replied that it would suck as laptop motherboards are not very modular.
And then I remembered about framework.
I first wanted to print the existing DIY tablet, but the most popular 3D printer in my area is Prusa MK3S+ that can only do 25x21cm.
So in my head, the smaller version was being created. I asked about the third party displays, batteries and finally I have a basic idea.
… (skip to here)
So, the basic idea is to print a case that will not have space for speakers, expansion cards and use a smaller display. This is my V0.5 of the case that was made modifying mini PC and FW tablet projects (so credits to them). Not printed yet.
Dimensions: 243.5 x 209.5x12.5 (that is just the back case, without separating plate and without display).
Material: I would like to use ABS for its higher thermal ressistance compared to PLA
Display: 234x168x8 mm (outer dimensions) 10.5 inch IPS touchscreen 1920x1280 powered by USB C 5V2A, claimed 100% SRGB and 400+ nits brightness and there are many versions and rebrands, be cautious, some may not be touchscreens: Amazon.com : 10.5 inch touch IPS 1920x1280, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004300635198.html or Polcd Wholesale 10.5 Inch Ips Hd Audio Output Aluminum Alloy Metal Touch Portable Monitor - Buy Portable Gaming Monitor,Gaming Display,Industrial Embedded Monitor Product on Alibaba.com
Battery: framework original
Disclaimer: I did not buy nor print any part yet, I guarantee no compatibility with anything, this is just my personal thought for a project that in my opinion reached a stage that it can be published on this forum for others to follow and provide advice and experience.
Unsolved problems:
- Obtaining a mainboard. First of all, I am from Slovakia, EU. Expensive shipping and some import fees, also tiny salaries so I am hunting for a good deal on used mainboard on ebay and local part stores (what a pity that I did not come up with this in April when FW was donating mainboards).
- Wifi card - because it extends far past the mainboard, I may not be able to fit one into the case. May move the mainboard more to the left and there may be just enough space? Or use an extender flex cable and PCBs and mount it over the mainboard
- Audio board - same problem as wifi board, but may not be needed as the display features both speakers and jack output. Idk about mic input and also a built in mic might be good, maybe I will make it thicker put speakers on top of battery if there is enough space.
- Wifi antennas placement
- Wear of the TB4/USB C connectors on the board - they may not have been meant for daily unplugging as there are the expansion cards to be “worn out” instead.
- Display cable routing (Might move the mainboard to the left as far as possible to create space for routing the display cable and theoretically some space for the wifi card.)
- Webcam (might just skip)
- Case with keyboard, trackpad, hinges and possibly a PD powerbank, that would be for another project if I ever make this one happen, the idea is that it would feature hinges and two bars that would stick into holes in the tablet case + USB C for docking and charging. Given my lack of skills this may never happen.