FW16 Batch 1 Guild

From me in batch 6, which will undoubtedly ship after the first 5… Patience grasshoppers… (Goes into meditation stance, closing eyes) [Not even Framework can control all supplier delays, but as we’re pre-ordered, at the bleeding edge of repairable computing, we had to give up something… money ($$$), time, self generated expectations… ahh now I am at peace ] :smiling_face:


I plan on running Linux on mine also but picked up the RGB US English keyboard. I don’t see a reason to get a keyboard that isn’t RGB just because a key says Super on it instead of the windows logo when they do the exact same thing.


Anyone get an email after they replied to the support email?

I also have the International English (non-Linux) keyboard and received that email. I replied asking about it but have not received an answer yet.

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Depending on the number of orders impacted and the time that you submitted the email, it might be a few days until you get a response.

I sent a “stay the course” email yesterday but did not receive a response yet. It would be kind of ironic (and fitting) if my order shipped while waiting for a response to my support email.

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Everyone that ordered the non-Linux International English keyboard received the Linux shortage email. They probably forgot to mention the non-Linux variant on the notification email. The Linux and non-Linux keyboards likely originate from the same assembly line and would likely be subject to the same delays. I feel bad for the people that will try to substitute the Linux keyboard for the non-Linux keyboard only to find themself in the same position as before.

That seems likely, and quite unfortunate.

That’s weird. I was thinking that the “International English” keyboard was available, and not the “International English Linux” - sent them a mail to change to “International English” so the order is faster… Their answer will be interesting :slight_smile: I’ll keep you updated, because I am going to use the International English keyboard! Linux or not.


I could wait, but I’ll be moving in 6 weeks… this situation would not be ideal.

I also asked to switch to a US English keyboard so I could get my shipment sooner, and that I wanted to be prioritized for a clear RGB when they shipped my macro pad, waiting to see what their response is.

I went ahead and responded to the email with the following:

To help me make my decision I was wondering if you could answer a few questions regarding the status of the affected modules.

  • Are all the modules being manufactured together, and that’s why they’re taking a long time?
  • Are they all affected exactly the same and will have the same delay period?
  • How long is several weeks expected to be?
    • Is it on the scale of 1 month? 2 months? Longer?
  • If I were to select a different keyboard module now and in the future decide to purchase my originally preferred module, would I be expected to pay full price or is there potentially a discount that could be applied to make up for the delay?
    • Or could I return my keyboard module to you for your Outlet and swap at the difference in cost?

We’ll see if/when they respond.


Has anyone had their requested keyboard changed based on yesterdays email? Mine still hasn’t been touched and it’s coming up on the end of Friday. :cry:


I haven’t, but earlier on discord Twist said there were over 140 order modifications that he needed to do.

11:55 AM*]* TheTwistgibber*:*

I have 140 order modifications and escalations to get to today, so I’ll be heads down, but appreciate our awesome Community self-moderating irrational and toxic behavior.


Irrational and toxic behaviour?

Same, I am probably going to submit a ticket tonight

What the hell is that?

11:33 AM*]* TheTwistgibber*:*

Hello everyone, We’re seeing a disturbing trend of irrational anger, foul language, abusive tones, and general toxicity in Support and on our managed social media channels. Everyone is well-within their right to be frustrated, and yes, even angry about anything. We won’t tell you how you can or should feel. What is NOT okay, is personally attacking our staff, finding our personal online accounts that are not work-related, and spamming hateful messages, full of vitriol. If you are that upset, a simple solution, cancel your pre-order. If you are getting that worked up over us being transparent about issues outside of our control at the moment, your mental health is more important, and you should probably walk away for yourself and everyone involved. While we absolutely appreciate the business, we do not take kindly to our hardworking staff being berated, dehumanized, and disrespected. They are not valid proxies for venting your destructive verbiage. If you have feedback, provide it in a constructive way, and I promise you it is escalated for review by internal staff equipped and dedicated to receive it. As a company of less than 50 employees worldwide, we still have a lot of growing to do, and it’s clear that some expectations that exist are far loftier than we are able to meet. We’ll continue to be transparent, but if there’s confusion around information we’ve provided, politely ask for clarification. We make mistakes, but do not immediately assume that Framework is purposefully trying to take advantage of you or perform some nefarious deed. That’s not who we are, and that’s not on-mission or on-brand. Assume good intent, first and foremost, as we’re working insanely hard in every department within Framework. Given the above, if you have decided to continue down a toxic path, we will cease engagement and you will be ignored. I will not allow our staff to be abused, period. Not once have they been disrespectful or deserved to be on the receiving end of some of these messages. To the vast majority of our respectful followers and/or customers, thank you. If we’ve missed on your expectations, we sincerely apologize, and please know that we’re always trying to do what we can to make it right. There are limitations to what’s possible given a number of factors, but we’ll continue to be as transparent and open as we can. Thank you. Kevin Crawford Head of Global Customer Experience Framework

Annoucement posted on Discord


Is that a recent announcement?

I remember a similar announcement on reddit a few months back. Either way, quite horrible of whoever sends any abuse or uses bad language towards support staff, and worse, contacts them on their private social media. And if it’s a new announcement, it’s even more disheartening and saddening.


Yes it was today at that posted time.

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Why are people so horrible to others?

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