FW16 Batch 4 Guild

do we know anything about the blank RGB keyboard being delayed?

IIRC yes that’s also delayed :frowning: sorry. I think I read that in the Batch 1 thread where people are posting emails from Framework.

Well, you’re in for a surprise when you find out you’ve been upgraded to a 7940 :smile:

Is there any official info about the linux keyboards and their ETA?

Whoa! free upgrades! :rofl::rofl:

I’m too excited to pay attention to details. lol.

Here’s the most info I can find from a customer in the Batch 1 thread:

This email appears to pertain to Batch 1 orders only, but hopefully once the Linux keyboards are received from their supplier, Framework will have enough for their other batches, too.

Hmmm, guess batch 4 won’t be starting this week. Maybe I was being a bit too hopeful on that, given not everyone has been shipped yet in the first three batches.

Even then, since I plan to stick with the RGB keyboard, I’ll probably have to wait longer anyways.

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I think it was the level of unrest and difficulty with some of the components that held them back, i think they realized continuing to go ahead while customers were so loudly upset about waiting would be a mistake, so i think they paused future batches so they could get the holdup parts out, and if i am right, that would mean they have been stockpiling the non-short parts, and should go through batches quickly when they get back on it


Yeah, I imagine they’re waiting until that March 4th date when they should be getting more parts (per an email copied in batch 1 thread). Hopefully that means next week could be our lucky week.

Hopefully you folks will be seeing your credit card getting charged this week, followed by shipping notices.

Actually 100s of the us (from the remaining batch guilds) are desperately wishing for this.


Kinda hope it’s not this week :sweat_smile: yet. Altho I’m sure they don’t mind me being a couple days late, but I never have this much available on my card

Your batch haven’t received the email for batch preparation yet, right?

The first subset of the customers get charged at least 3 days after that email.

Can’t speak for other people but I didn’t get anything yet.

Same, no charge today yet.

I would be very surprised if I get an email this month at all. Choose the weirdest input modules, blank rgb with macro pad.

I mean, if you are batch 4 you will get the batch email, unless something catastrophic happens to their factory, in which case wed all probably get an update email.

Looks like Linux keyboards are finally getting charged maybe good news for us in batch 4. I swear if I’ve gotta wait any longer for even an update I’m gonna lose my mind. Longest and most patient I’ve been for any preorder.


I can’t decide if I want them to ship this week or not. I’ve spent so much time refreshing the framework forum and my email that I don’t know what I’ll do with my time if I’m not waiting on it!


Setting it up. :wink:

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Looks like the 1s, 2s, and 3s with the late keyboard parts (Linux keyboard, blank keyboard, etc) are now shipping. So, hopefully that’s good news for the rest of the batches!