HELP! Lost display, dont know how to fix it

I don’t know how blind folk are able to use a computer (pls dont take offense),
I am now ‘blind’ 'cuz I lost the display.

13 in. purchased 2 or 3 yrs ago. Win 10.
I enabled dual display to use my large TV to view movies, shows, in fact everything I do on the internet. And I disabled (in software) the laptop display.

fool me! a few days ago I spilled liquid onto the right 1/3rd of the keyboard. I had tissues and paper towels handy and soaked it up within a minute or so. Computer was still running fine, and I continued to use it for another hour or more, hoping the ‘warmth’ of the CPU might evaporate any liquid below in the keyboard.
Later, I opened the computer and found No evidence that the liquid had flowed through the keyboard to reach CPU, hard drive, graphics, wifi, or any other internal components.
Have had some ‘glitches’ in the last coupla days, but have been able to resolve them, until this am.
NO display, Cant login. Can’t do anything!
I don’t know if the graphics is entirely fubar or only for the output, thru an HDMI cable, to the TV.
Microsoft ‘helps’ basically says you need a video display in order to boot into safe mode, eh?
I disabled the laptop display like six months after I bought it, and have no idea how to re-enable it without visual cues, If it is even still functional.
I boot the laptop, no display on TV or laptop. Can’t login, or determine if anything is happening in the computer, except that the power button lights, and the keyboard, and stays lit. No response to keyboard or mouse input.

Ok, I just got refurb framework, 13" DIY 11Gen Intel. I didn’t order Win cuz I already have it installed on broke system. I don’t have my boot drive backed up, where Win and all my files are stored.
I was going to install this drive in replacement computer, but wont be able to boot from it, eh?
I’m not sure how to get new computer on my wireless network, thru the router. I have a 1 TB microSD expansion card, which is naked.
I dont know how to proceed to
a) boot from my drive in new computer
b) get my new computer on wireless network to install Win 11 on (prob) the SD card.

Any response most appreciated…




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So this refurb framework, 13" DIY 11Gen Intel is new (to you), seperate from the liquid damaged Framework, correct?
But it has no OS?

Do you have any other computer you could use to download windows to a usb flash drive? Perhaps a family member’s or friend’s computer.

You could move the SSD from the liquid damaged Framework to the new Framework, and I think windows will be ok enough, at least to boot. It certainly may complain about license junk, since it’s an entirely new pc, but I think it will still be usable enough, and you can deal with it’s license junk later.
Now be aware that transferring the SSD is not without risk, if it was also damaged then it’s possible it could harm the new computer. Doesn’t feel like a great risk to me personally, but I want to mention that it does exist.

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that is what I was thinking, but in the past, I transferred boot drive to new system, and the brain transplant did not work well. I think I could access and use my files and programs, as a secondary drive, but it was unable to boot from it.
I recall a handful of years ago advice was only do a clean install, not an upgrade to next OS.

I will be able to install the drivers with a usb thumb drive.

ok, I have the SD module with no mem installed.
I have the naked 1TB expansion drive.

Can I download and install Win 10 or 11 onto the SD card, the 1TB drive or a usb thumb drive and
Boot from that rather than from the hard drive, eh?



I think you can. But I’m not really a windows user.
If you don’t get an answer here then try googling something like “installing windows to usb drive”. I presume the 1TB expansion drive you have is an expansion card that plugs in the side, this Storage Expansion Card. Those are usb drives as far as windows is concerned. Anything plugged into the sides will be usb drives. I think windows presents an extra hoop to jump through in order to install to usb drives.

thx. having difficulty installing wireless card.


got card installed. pushing forward.


gonna power up without keyboard connected.


connected keyboard. wont power on. battery is charged.


If you leave the input cover off, you can plug in a usb keyboard instead and see if you can get into the BIOS with F2.
If it might have had liquid damage, rince it in distilled water, not alcohol, and then leave it a long time to dry out. Maybe weeks unless you have somewhere or something that dries things quicker.
At least that is what we do at work. Try just with distilled water first, then a ultrasonic bath, if needed, and then a drying chamber.

I dont have usb keyboard…

new, refurb framework. not wet. wont power on…

Just to clarify, you have a refurb framework laptop, with screen, keyboard, touchpad and framework power brick and framework RAM and your own SSD.
If things are not booting with F2 into the BIOS, I would remove everything (SSD, Wifi card, slot cards, except RAM and try again.
If it fails to get to the BIOS, you might see some flashing LED lights red/green/blue where the charger light is.
There is also a chassis reset procedure if you search the forum.
If it gets to the BIOS screen being displayed, then at least your main board is OK. You can then power off, and start plugging in other things (SSD, Wifi) until it works.
The reason it is good to have a USB keyboard, is so you can test boot without needing to put the input cover back on.

will get usb keyboard soonest. I tried booting with only memory, added 1 TB usb drive. I press the power button and nothing. white light on left shows computer is ready. how do I test power button?

