Hinge slicing cables?

Opened in the laptop to replace the screen and noticed that the hinge appears to be slicing the shielding on the cables on the right (as there are 3?).

Anything to worry about?

More accurately I was going to use the word “nicking” but that might be a British English colloquialism as slicing sounds overly dramatic.

If you search you will find multiple topics on this. Will have a look for you . .

Have you seen this Guide about the antenna cables ?

Route the antenna cables through the hinge area, with the white and black cables sitting flat against the bottom of the Bottom Cover as much as possible. Avoid letting the cables twist or overlap, as this will interfere with the Input Cover and power button. You can use the spudger end of the Framework Screwdriver to help push the cables.


I also noticed this but attributed it to the power button assembly pushing down.

Edit: Image uploading isn’t working right now I will try and add an image later…

I sanded the metal edge a little and applied duct tape to add some more protection, you can see the indent indicated by the lower arrow. I noticed you see the same indents in Frameworks own guide (step 12). It is probably why there is an additional layer of insulation around the cables there.

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