I7 11th Gen Audio Intermittently Working

I purchased a factory seconds 11th gen I7 a month or so ago, and I have been consistently having the audio devices and drivers not detected. Occasionally, I will close the laptop and come back to it later to find the audio magically working. I then will inevitably either shut down the laptop or restart for unrelated reasons just to have no audio devices detected.

When I open Device Manager, Intel High Definition DSP resides underneath “Other devices.” When clicking this, Device Manager says “The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) There are no compatible drivers for this device.”

I have the most recent driver bundle installed (Framework Laptop BIOS and Driver Releases (11th Gen Intel® Core™)), but I still receive this issue.

I have seen a similar issue with another user (Windows - No Audio Output Device is installed), but their fixes did not seem to be applicable in my case nor did they work.

Is there anything I am missing. Any help would be appreciated!

Also, an unrelated issue that has been bugging me; my wifi cuts out when using a bluetooth device for more than 5 minutes. It causes me to have to restart my computer and mess up my magically working audio. Any advice?