Intel BE200 Wifi card works on 11th Gen Intel FW13 laptop!

I decided to get one of the factory seconds intel i7 11th Gen Laptop 13 DIY as i had a copy of Windows 11, some RAM and an SSD lying around. Ordered last week on thursday, and they shipped it super quickly. It got here on Monday!

I didn’t think to get a Wifi card for it, so i went diving into this forum and reddit. Even though there are so many horror stories on the BE200, i decided to risk it and get a new generation card vs the AX210 since I already have an AX210 on a mainboard build, and the AX210 can’t see my 6gh Wifi 6E network. I bought this card, just installed it, and have it running great! It can see the 6ghz Wifi 6e network i have, and speedtests have been in the 800+ range,

Several notes -

  1. download the intel BE200 wifi and bluetooth drivers before installing the card
  2. the connectors on the card seems little smaller than the AX210, it was a little harder for me to click on the antennas
  3. after booting into Windows 11, there will be no wifi and bluetooth, install both drivers in #1 and reboot.

let me know if you have questions! hope this helps anyone who is holding out on the BE200 card.


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