Josh Cook's dual USB-C expansion card

No… But quite strong to build a router with with exchanged ports for either 2.5G ethernet or 10g usb :grin: sounds like a great NAS. In total 16 ports, you could use as storage or network on the fw13

Any update on this? Hasn’t been movement in two weeks.

Hey! Just a question, since I’ve seen some real improvement in the custom expansion card market, will this expansion card be available on this site?

I’m currently working on a way to take orders via my store, as I need the ability to take the inital 11USD/EUR then take the complete amount later down the track, once I have the finished prototype and I can confirm exact costs I will add it to my store.

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Nope, been working on my other products.

That’s great news, I can wait some more time!
I asked that so I can buy this expansion card and the dongle hider+ in a single order

Shipping is free so I’d suggest ordering them separately, (donglehider now and dual USB-C later)

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is the estimate that we’ll get the card by june/july still accurate

Thank you for the response. I have emailed asking for a refund of the 2 I pre-ordered. Not sure if you need to approve that or not. I’ll wait until they are available to purchase in the future.

July is still possible.

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dope! likely?

Bumping this thread by asking if the July estimate is still likely to happen.

"I haven’t got any updates, other than that the manufacturer of the chipset I’ve used decided to ghost me for the past month or so (I have made sure this doesn’t happen again), but I’ve finally got back in contact with them, once I have some time to work on the development of the PCB I will get prototypes ordered. I just wanted to send you this email to ensure you know that I am not scamming you. Right now, I still think I can make the July delivery date though.


email from may 13th


Any news about the expansion card?

Is this scam?
Does anybody else got a new message about the progress?
Should we talk to our credit card issuer to get the money back?

No, it’s not a scam. Josh is a respected member of the community, please don’t be so quick in your judgment. He sent an e-mail on 13 May, which I assume is still valid in absence of new updates. Did you not get it? I hope it’s OK to quote it here in full:

I haven’t got any updates, other than that the manufacturer of the chipset I’ve used decided to ghost me for the past month or so (I have made sure this doesn’t happen again), but I’ve finally got back in contact with them, once I have some time to work on the development of the PCB I will get prototypes ordered. I just wanted to send you this email to ensure you know that I am not scamming you. Right now, I still think I can make the July delivery date though.

I have no doubt that Josh will either deliver eventually, or issue refunds.


If you don’t like it, ask for a normal refund for your pre-order and wait for it to actually be shipping to other customers before you order.

Josh said it’s fully refundable and has provided many updates and details. Don’t know why you’d escalate to your credit card issuer without first requesting a refund normally. This is how all crowdsourced projects go. It’s one person with a life, not a whole company with a service department, and you can either pre-order and hope for the best and take what comes, or if you want a more typical customer experience don’t order until it’s actually shipping.


If you look around the forums, this guy has multiple projects in the works. So probably not a scam. But because he isn’t focusing on one thing, it is going to take even longer than you would expect. As a result, I got a refund and will just wait for it to actually get released, if ever. No need to put money down and stress over the lack of updates. Just not worth it.

As with any crowd sourced project, don’t spend money you aren’t prepared to lose.

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I don’t mind waiting if there is a response.
I asked and mentioned him and after 4 days no response feels not very good.
But good to know now that he is an active member. I will wait for it. I would be very happy to get the modules.

…holidays maybe? :slight_smile: In the end it’s a single person, not a corporation with a 24h-staffed support hotline.