Known issues guide

Shall we manage the known issues by the community so that people can easily see the issues and optionally solutions? At least it’s still useful to list important issues only. I didn’t find any similar thread listing the “current” known issues.

Known issues

See also


Moderators (@2disbetter @Fraoch @Mirage), shall we change this thread to wiki?

Never had that issue on my 11 gen.

I think that depends upon expansion cards more that generation of CPU

I see. Interesting. What is your BIOS version?

Yeah, it was reported that it happens with some expansion cards except USB-C expansion cards.

I changed the table layout to list items to edit easily.

Started with 3.06 on 28th Feb this year updated to 3.07 so not real idea, then 3.08, then 3.09 and now 3.10. There has never been an issue with the main battery discharging when powered off.

The ongoing issue is the drain in sleep mode which relates to the other issue.

The expansion cards USB A | µSD card reader | The 256GB SSD all require acknowledgement from the main board when plugged in whether powered on or not, but do not actually drain the battery. The main board draws power form the mains supply if it connected.

Plugging in power brings the main board ‘alive’ which then connects to the expansion cards via some dubious protocol which use more power than makes sense.

The USB C cards are the only ones that seem not to cause a power drain. But as I said this is from the supply not the battery.

Or never had that realisation. (At times, it’s just a case of “You don’t know what you don’t know”)

@junaruga, “Known issues” - Does this thread cover “known issues”, or, “Only known issues with solution / workarounds / fixes”?

For example, we have the following thread, without any solution / fixes:


I intended the former, “known issues” including issues without solution / workarounds / fixes. Thanks for sharing the list of the known issues. It’s better to add the list to the first comment later.


Came here to add this one. Thanks! Would also like to put in
Headphone jack intermittent noise?


Moderators, do you have specific reasons why you don’t change this thread to the wiki? I can’t manage the list of the issues by myself alone.

You may have stepped a bit far.

Although people have issues they are not endemic to the 11th for example so a list is long, complex and not very representative from my experience. I’ve yet to find a problem.

Creating a wiki wouldn’t be my choice.

I see. I think the list is still helpful even when the list is long or complex and hard to maintain. We don’t need to aim for the complete up-to-date list. Just the prioritized list is still helpful. That’s how ArchWiki Framework Laptop’s troubleshooting session works.

What I want to solve by this thread is accessibility to the known issues by everyone. You are an active member of this forum, and maybe you know most of the issues reported on this forum. But not everyone does. Essentially this is to fill a gap between a user or potential customer’s expectation and reality.

I considered using the “issue” tag feature on this forum. But I have seen a change in the forum’s functionality is slow or none. And the tag doesn’t have priority on the list.


Adding this to the list:

And there’s this ‘behaviour’ with the fingerprint reader, with a great explanation (deserves a wiki entry):

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This fix has been mostly functional since applied. And I can re-apply if it trends worse:

Adding this issue, what seems to be a combination of TB display with / without power (lack of TB certification on Framework?), and x / wayland display detection (software):

And this, 12th Gen idle power consumption on Linux (issue with iGPU firmware not loading):
12th gen power management on Linux - Framework Laptop - Framework Community

And this, BIOS update resulting in needing a battery pull / mainboard reset:
All I/O devices/expansion cards stop working after updating to BIOS 3.10 on Manjaro Linux via LVFS - Framework Laptop / Linux - Framework Community

Happy for Framework that they’re launching another product (Chromebook)…
But I’m still waiting for a few things to be fixed / addressed / improved / optimized on the 11th gen laptop.

…and lately, I got official word that tau is not end-user adjustable. :frowning:

@junaruga if you’re still tracking/maintaining this, I wonder if it’s worth splitting into 11th and 12th gen (and maybe soon Chromebook)? I think the RTC issues are different between 11th and 12th gen since the former is worse (can require a motherboard reset, while 12th gen shouldn’t get stuck in a bad boot state).

Also, maybe an OS specific sub-category for each model. Currently, it looks like a subset of 12th gen users are having Intel Graphics problems for example: [TRACKING] Hard freezing on Fedora 36 with the new 12th gen system

The top listed items are hardware/firmware issues (battery drain in suspend, RTC drain, power off drain even when off in non-updated 11th gen systems) that are common to all Framework laptops. Whether you find it a “problem” I suppose is a personal opinion, but I think it’s still very useful to collect the laptops quirks/common problems for new users in a single place.

I suppose two other useful links would be useful in that regard are links to the top threads in the quarter and all time - sadly support threads are split across all sorts of categories and not really tagged in any systematic way AFAICT.

OK. It looks good idea for creating 11th, 12th Intel category and coming Chromebook. But I don’t think creating OS sub-categories is good idea, because there are many OSes. Maybe we can note such as “Fedora 36 specific” for now.

For now, I modify the first comment. But I was asking moderators to change it to the wiki, to avoid I work hard, and am a bottleneck for this task. But moderators didn’t act to change it to the wiki. I am not sure why they didn’t.

Oh, interestingly I even cannot edit the first comment anymore now.

Despite the name of the thread, it looks like there are users on other distros reporting the same problem. This seems to be most common w/ those using Gnome (I haven’t encountered this problem over the past couple months running Sway), and possibly related to installing legacy Xorg drivers, various i915 kernel configurations, or the use of an external display.

Bummer, well, hopefully people use the thread to post any updates, and maybe there’ll be an actual community wiki at some point.