Locked out of windows user account after updating to Windows 24H2

Just thought I’d report I had this problem just in case anyone else has the same, and to try and figure out what caused it?

Updated to Windows 11 24H2 about an hour ago and when I went to launch Spider-Man Remastered. It seemingly launched fine, but didn’t actually appear on my screen (was showing up in the task bar though). I then force quit the game and restarted my PC.

When my Framework 16 restarted everything appeared normal and I signed in with my fingerprint and the following error appeared in my screen

“The User Profile Service service failed to sign in”

It would send me back to the Lock Screen and I tried again…

It was stuck in this circle.

After a quick google I held Shift and clicked the power icon → restart. I was hoping this would get the PC into Windows Recovery Mode, however I think my pc went into Windows Safe Mode as I was able to sign in normally (just with almost all applications missing). I then reverted back to Windows 23H2 and it has fixed the problem.

Just wondering if anyone could potentially lead me to if it was windows or the game that may have caused this problem?

My best guess is Spider-Man Remastered has a problem with 24H2 which seemed to cause the problem???

I’m really not sure. And unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures.

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