Looking for common causes for no power and no LED when charging?

Hey there. I’d like to preface this by saying I assembled my laptop and ran into this before going to work. So right now I’m looking for things I can try when I get home to give me a head start on my investigation of this issue to see if I can get things kicked off and running before I have to go to support and ship out my laptop which will take time and be annoying. I will try the things listed in this thread when arriving home. Also, I’d like to say that this was generated mostly using FUTO keyboard’s voice-to-text feature, because I absolutely hate typing on phone keyboards, especially when it’s large bodies of text. So if anything is a bit grammatically off, let me know and I’ll correct it.

I got my framework and was excited to start using it, so I put it together using the quick start guide. Everything seemed fine. Nothing seemed out of place and I was very gentle and made sure nothing snapped. I even wore gloves. I spent 10 minutes trying to get the mid-plate off only to find out I was being too gentle and not lifting it hard enough where the guide said that I might need to put in some force. Multiple times I was stopped for some time because I wasn’t putting in enough force during assembly of some parts. Being too afraid to pull out the mid-board cable, too hard, being too afraid to put too much force in when pushing in the NVMe and RAM, stuff like that. So that should put into perspective that I was very gentle with this installation.

Yet when I put everything back in place and tried to turn it on, nothing happened. No LED comes on, and the computer seems to be completely unresponsive to any other key presses. After plugging it in to both the USB-C port on the back of the computer where my graphics expansion is and on my expansion card USB-C still nothing happens. Again, completely unresponsive. No LED. No noises. Nothing. It doesn’t turn on whatsoever. This is baffling to me because, again, I was very careful, wore gloves and used the least amount of force possible progressively and slowly applying more until anything would click into place or move. This is how the quick start guide even suggests how you interact with some of its parts because of the strong magnets. I additionally had a friend who knows what they’re doing with IT and computer repair even watch me assemble it. I trust him and he also helped me pick out the ram in storage. It’s clear to me that he knows his stuff, and he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary with the way I was handling the computer. In fact, I think he also commented on how I was being too gentle with it.

I’m wondering what are common causes for this. I did some Googling around and was only able to find issues of people’s computers not turning on, but the LED was responsive and their computer was making some noise, so it’s not the same issue. I only found a single thread that seemed to match what I was describing where the person said they were able to get it to come to life by turning on the computer plugged in without the battery and changing some BIOS setting or something.

So I took off my touchpad and keyboard and went back and looked around on the mid plate, tightened the screws even more, and pushed down on the cable with the one next to it just to be sure that it was clicked in, which it already was. I see something with a little power symbol that’s crossed out and there’s something under it when I lift it, but I put it back the way it was because the quick start guide doesn’t seem to ever touch it and seems to put the mid plate back on with that thing being the way it was before.

So there’s my situation. When I get home, I’m going to try to start it with the battery out, but the laptop plugged in. But I’m basically just looking for suggestions and things I can try before I get home. Once I get home, I’ll be working on trying to get this new thing powered on and let you know if any of your suggestions were helpful after trying the battery. Thanks in advance for any answers. This is Cross posted from Reddit. Please check the link below to see what hardware I chose for the RAM and NVMe as well as a link to that aforementioned forum thread. New users seem to have an arbitrary two-link limit, so I can’t share everything in this post, unfortunately.

(x-posted from Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/framework/s/7fiGcgBuxg)

Ports 1, 2, 4, and 4 can take power, so make sure that you are plugged in to one of them. The front two and the one on the back of the GPU do not. You also might try a different power adapter if you have one.

Once you make sure you’re using one of the appropriate slots to charge, you may still be met with a blank screen for a while on the very first boot, due to memory training. There are plenty of posts about this here in the forum.

Thank you for the reply! I am in port 4, but now that I have confirmed the back slot works I’ll be stationing my charger there from now on when I get home. Misread

I don’t think it’s memory training, otherwise the LED would come on right? But in this case it never came on at any point.

Got home after leaving it on the charger for five hours, still no response. I’ve decided the first thing I want to try is disconnecting the battery for an hour. After that, I’ll try other USB-C cables and outlets.

I tried removing the battery for one hour, putting it back then it seemed to start working after holding power, letting it go for 15 seconds. To get the charging cable working, it wasn’t charging my phone so I tried pushing the connections farther in, and even though they didn’t seem to move at all, it works now.

Thanks to everyone who replied.

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Can you provide details of which FW16 you have. It’s cpu and which gpu you have.
What is the make/model of:

  1. ram chips
  2. power brick
  3. nvme storage.
    If you have a usb keyboard, you can use that while testing, and save time not having to put the mid plate on each time.

The issue is already resolved and your first question can be answered by reading the Reddit post.