Lots of unknown devices on new win11 Framework Laptop 16

I just got this and set it up according to Framework’s instructions using Rufus and did their driver install as well as Windows update (using ethernet), but there are a bunch of unknown devices and warnings in Device Manager and no wifi. Done a few therapeutic reboots as well to no avail.

I have dug around here and in the knowledgebase but I do not see that others have had this issue before.

Suggestions on how to debug?


Sounds like the driver pack hasn’t installed correctly. Try the driver pack again, latest ones are pinned at the top of this section.

When the Framework driver pack runs, it should open a command window and have items listed as it installs them:
1 of 8 …
2 of 8 …
3 of 8 …

Did you download the Windows 11 driver pack from the framework web site?

Third try did it. No idea what that was about


Happy to hear that the issue is now resolved, it was most likely related to the driver pack.