Need Upgrade Suggestion

I ordered this config a while ago. Want to upgrade processor to latest and greatest and get 128GB ram or highest possible at the moment. It is DIY edition so I am wondering how do I go about it and what to order.


Highest possible is 64 GB on the Intel processor models and 96 GB on the AMD processor models (the AMD processors technically support 256 GB but are limited by currently available ram modules).

To upgrade to the AMD processor you can buy a new mainboard from the Framework Marketplace. The AMD mainboards are available with either the 7640U ($450) or the 7840U ($700) depending on how much performance you want. The 7640U should trade blows with your current 1280P depending on the workload (in gaming workloads it will win by a lot) and the 7840U should usually be faster (with some exceptions).

To get the 96 GB of ram Framework has validated the Mushkin MRA5S560LKKD48GX2 kit to work on the AMD based Framework laptops. It can be purchased from Amazon or Newegg.


I can confirm this, I have 96gb, and scoured the nets about when the bigger modules will come out, but there seems to be no news on it at all. My laptop liked the Crucial CT2K48G56C46S5, it literally started in 10 seconds, at full 5600 speeds, in the FW16 R9

Yep. I’ve also heard that that kit works.

The Mushkin kit (which has the exact same specs as the Crucial kit) is currently cheaper everywhere I see it and is officially validated by Framework to work in the Framework 16 (which is based on the same platform as the Framework 13 that OP has so it should work on that too). So I’d recommend the Mushkin kit.

I have waited around 3 months for this set, and the mushkin I only saw on ebay around here, so I went with the local retailer :+1: this set was exactly as much as what framework charges for the 64gb kit. But yes, don’t spend more than needed

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Thank you everyone! I wonder what can I do with my old mother board and processor.

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You could definitely try and sell them on r/frameworkmarket or ebay! Otherwise, maybe hand it down as a standalone desktop computer to a relative or use it for your own project? Just some random suggestions :slight_smile:

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Can I do better RAM wise on 16”? Does those main boards support dual nvme?

Not better than 96GB, so far as I know.

Yes, though only one m.2 2280 NVMe and one m.2 2230.

The 16" has the same ram limitations as the AMD variant of the 13".

Theoretically the processors (which include the ram memory controllers) support 256 GB, however that requires ram modules that don’t yet exist.

The 16" supports dual NMVe, however one of the slots is limited to 2230 (the shorter type of NVMe drive). Although since the Steam Deck uses 2230 a lot of decent (not top of the line but decent) 2230 NVMe have become recently become widely available (with as much as 2 TB of capacity).

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Thanks everyone !