No new information on 16 this time

To be honest, I am very disappointed.


Yeah, I really expected at least one new GPU module option. Need vram. I was hopeful with the Ryzen AI Max announcement, but it’s not in the 16" laptop either.


I too am very disappointed.


Me also. Anybody know any other good options for a laptop with a dGPU and good Linux support?


at least i am working on egpu solutions to at least make it performs better… but 7940hs is getting a bit tired.

Ditto from my post in another thread:

I’m too a bit underwhelmed about the FW16, but thinking about it…
The 16 is such a new product, would not be sustainable to upgrade. Economically and environmentally. There is no point of releasing a new mainboard now, the thermal system of the 16 can not sustain 100-120W from the APU.
We will see improvements when actual silicon comes out. This gen’s AMD was not suitable for the 16’s thermal design.


I was really hoping for at least some new bezel colors & new speakers


16 have the potiential to handle at least 80w of sustained thermal output, the problem is framework have decided to make the mainboard face upward, and not design a big enough vapour chamber for that. the heatpipe is also dismal. For a 45w CPU in a thin and light? it is fine. But I think everyone would agree that 45w sustained output with only CPU load in a 16inch PREMIUM GAMING laptop is completely unacceptable.


Tuxedo, System76 and Slimbook are the big ones, afaik. Although their all Nvidia dGPUs as their gaming/creator line ups are concerned.

None of those have any RTX 50 series options right now. And I need ANSI keyboard, so Tuxedo & Slimbook are out.

There are no 50-series laptops right now, Linux-supported or otherwise. First 50-series laptops are coming this March.

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that is already a known thing. NVIDIA would never work with framework. This was know to everyone back in 2021

I mean for pre-order.

Very disappointed, just dropped the FW16 like a hot potato…I guess they will discontinue it?


Well, unfortunately, I have to get SOMETHING (a laptop) that is more powerful, AGAIN, so is there anything from any brand that is good!?

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the thing is, they are not even trying. they can say in the livestream that they arw working on the next gen 16inch update, there are some delays due to what what what. But they decided to not mention 16inch at all in the stream.


The point of an upgradeable laptop is, that it only works as long as parts to upgrade to exist. All parts that are not standardized dimensions are only manufactured by Framework. There are several “lower” effort parts (Speakers, Bezel, Screen?) (“Lower” effort means less effort than designing 2 entire new product lineups) that are seriously in need of an upgrade or need more customization options. Them focusing on AI this much in the keynote and not existing products is concerning.


Something I am worried about.


I’m worried as it looks like they are becoming an apple.

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Any communication now would be worthwhile, I feel. Speculation went wild in the days leading up to the announcement, with FW16 users hoping that they would see something about the (much needed) thermal solution upgrade or a new mainboard / GPU… now, regardless of how realistic any of those things were, those people are gonna feel burned by the 13 getting upgrades while two new segments launch separately.