Payment "Link" scam?

I want to start saying I am super excited for my batch build of the Framework 13! Great job designing the project!

I ordered a PC and recently received an email to set up my “Link” account for Framework. I never created a link account nor do I know what it is. I didn’t see anything about it when I placed the order for my PC. Should I be concerned about a scam? If it is not a scam is there a doc someplace I can read to understand if it is compulsory to set up my purchase?

Kind regards,

That is propably the payment processing that FW is using. If you preordered did you already pay the 100 predeposit?

I did pay it already but I never signed up to create a account on “Link” nor did I agree to. I paid using traditional credit card processing. That is where I am confused.

I don’t think you need to create an account, they will use the same payment method you did the predeposit.

The “link” one is just if you want to have easier checkout in other sites (that use the Link). but afaik its not required.

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Welcome @bagnaram to the community!

Lots of vendors are using payment processors that are tied into “Link” as a payment gateway. Unfortunately, part of their software strategy is to get you “sign up” to save your payment information for other vendors that use them as a payment processor for faster transactions (taking a cue from the using your Google account to sign in places) their hope is to ease your checkout process though they are actually selling this metric information to advertisers.

It is part of the reason they are offering lower prices to companies to use their product because they are supplementing the actual costs of operating by selling their information to advertisers and marketing companies. To those that do not know better they just sign up because it is a lower cost option than a company that does not sell their data to brokers.

Just another sad reality of the data hungry companies trying to get everyone to whore their information throughout their life so they can profit from it. (Referring to companies who’s main business is selling data to other companies)

Consumers just need to be more aware of what they are signing up for but the lowest common denominator is usually what drives them to scrape the information in the first place.

Congratulations on your Framework purchase; you will be delighted with the product and community surrounding it.