Please swap defective keyboard from Windows to Linux version?

I have an AMD 7040 Series Framework 13 running Gentoo Linux, with the version of the International English keyboard that has the Windows logo printed on it, because the Linux version hadn’t yet been released when I bought the laptop. The only difference is the Linux version has “super” printed on a keycap instead of the Windows logo; the two versions are functionally equivalent and the same price.

My keyboard is one of the ones that has a defective delete key. I’ve opened a support ticket, and a replacement Windows version has been approved, but my request that the replacement be the Linux version has been denied.

Is there a Framework employee on this forum with the power to grant this request?

I’d like to emphasize that I don’t feel entitled to this. It’s just that it’s not an unreasonable request, and I would be surprised and disappointed if Framework - a company that caters to Linux enthusiasts and values flexibility and customer service - were unable to accommodate it.

Just end users mainly on the forum. There are some employees that read but there is no guarantee.

Most companies only will supply an identical part to what is being replaced under warranty. We understand it is only a minor difference in the keycap; though companies commonly have processes that only replace like for like parts because it opens up the issue of catering to anyone with a request.

While it is not satisfying to not get the Linux version as you requested; it is somewhat inexpensive to purchase as a part and the replacement keyboard being sent under warranty could be offered for sale on the Framework Community Market to recoup the costs? Just a thought. :mechanic: :computer: :grinning:


Not unreasonable at all, imho. I’m also disappointed that the customer service agents don’t have a list of acceptable substitutions. Should be any reasonable equivalent part of the same cost. Sure, most companies don’t do it, but is there really an extremely good reason not to?

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Allowing substitutions would encourage users who want to change parts to damage them on purpose to receive the different replacement part. This is why I assume that Framework has set a hard rule to not exchange parts with different parts (if the original part is available).


I agree. This is a bit of an odd question to ask of support.
I would get your keyboard fixed with the same one under warranty and then just purchase the keyboard you want and sell the old one you don’t want on the market place.