I have an AMD Framework 13 with the webcam 2.0 and dual-boot windows 11 and linux. On linux, both the webcam and microphone work, but on Windows the webcam does not work (although apps seem to believe that the webcam exists).
Does anyone know what the cause could be?
Have you installed the Framework Driver Bundle?
I have (and restarted after doing so)
try running this html, can you confirm it is the webcam not the app?
type or paste code here
works on linux, doesn’t work on windows. Specifically, it fails with
Error accessing the webcam: NotReadableError Could not start the video source gM5LXEC3.html:25
and the camera preview in Chrome (where you allow the website to use the camera shows a blank screen with a loading spinner for the preview, but does identify the camera as “Laptop Webcam Module (2nd Gen) (32ac:001c)”
Seems Linux is not resetting the camera module correctly when you are shutting down. I am curious, if you disable the mic and webcam using the physical disable switches on the bezel, wait 10 seconds to allow caps and stuff to discharge on the devices, then enable them again, does this change anything on Windows? if it does, it means that what I am saying about Linux not releasing the modules is the issue.
no change. That said, I think I might have figured out the problem. I believe I somehow installed Windows 11N rather than the normal Windows 11 which IIUC has the sole purpose of breaking your media. Trying a reinstall now and I’ll mark as resolved if that solves it.
Reinstalling a non N variant of windows fixed it.
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Hmm, some how the driver for the webcam and mic don’t get staged properly or have issues installing from the framework driver pack. Seems like a good thing to report up to Framework support. I’ll go ahead and do that, as it might come in handy for future support cases.