Screen Options for 13th Gen

Hello. Just picked up a 13 gen small laptop.

Is there any movement on getting a touchscreen on the market place so I could upgrade my laptop?

Or does framework not intend on doing that. I already understand the cable has the data pins required for a touchscreen screen. I am simply asking the Framework employees here if they are or not working on that. And if yes, a possible timeline.

Thank you.

We, forum users, do not know. Consider subscribing to the Framework newsletter so you’re informed of any new developments.

Note that the cable does not have touchscreen pins / signals. You can not plug in a touchscreen using that cable. The motherboard connector has touchscreen signals, but those signals are not carried over on the cable. The Framework-13 display uses a common 40-pin four lane eDP connector, and this does not allow for touchscreen signals.

Display side connector pinout:

Framework-13 motherboard side connector pinout: