[SOLVED] Laptop not turning on after BIOS update


I just updated the BIOS on my 12th gen FW (Windows 11) but after restarting the laptop the screen is absolutely dead.

The laptop is still on and the fan spins quite a bit but nothing shows on the screen.

Any suggestions on what to do??

I already contacted support but in the meantime I was trying to find some other solution

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

I would recommend not attempting any other fix until support gets back to you as you may potentially brick the device.

I don’t know if this will be of any help to someone else but FW support suggested I did a Memory shuffle and after a couple of those the laptop booted perfectly.

Hope this will be of some use :smile:

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I saw this and got excited that maybe it would help me with my issues on my 11th gen so tried it but to no avail. :melting_face:

I’m really struggling trying to figure out what is keeping me from bringing my 11th gen back to life. I’ve reached out to support more than 72 hours ago but haven’t gotten a reply.

I’ve tried doing the main boar resets and memory shuffle and also tried using an external monitor to see if maybe that could be something so I could see if the system is booting but no luck.

Just to be clear, are you having issues booting after a BIOS update? Because if not, your CMOS battery may simply be dead and you will need to request a new one from support. Support’s current response time is 3-5 days due to a backlog from the recent launch.

From what I seem to understand yours might be a slightly different problem compared to mine.

In any case I doubt my experience will help you in any way since I managed to fix it doing a memory shuffle and in your case that didn’t seem to do the trick.

In my case I actually identified the problem to be a faulty stick of RAM and since I removed it I haven’t had any trouble.

Hope you will manage to fix it!! I know how much I missed my FW while it was down. :frowning_face:

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