[Solved] UI issue: Framework About page

The little picture for ‘Alfie Lin’ isn’t centered like the rest are leaving the edge of the .png shown

(found here: Framework | Fix Consumer Electronics)

I know it’s a stupid bug report but i thought it was important enough I guess? - I’m sorry if I’m wasting time!


The bottom of ‘Zach McGarvey’ is also showing, if it’s not too much work~

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Got them work from home vibes :eyes:
Sweatpants on the bottom, business casual on top! :blush:

I don’t really mind it showing, but as the rest are moved nicely so the bottom of the png isn’t showing I’m guessing it’s not intended if ya get what I’m saying~

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Also btw, whoever is designing the staff avatars, good job! They look amazing as does the rest of the UI on the website! Clearcut, modern and sleek. That’s how i like it~ :orange_heart:

We appreciate you pointing this out! Unfortunately, we use a website to create our icons, so we are likely unable to edit the icons :frowning:


@FrameworkBee No worries! :blush:

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