[SOLVED] Windows 11 update just killed my computer. what to do?

Hey there. I just was using my computer normally, and Windows 11 prompted me to update upon shutdown. I selected update and shut down. I get to the bios screen, like windows usually does to reboot into the updater or whatever. But i got a message saying my drive is corrupt. (photo attached). Now it’s just in a boot loop and I can’t do anything except go into the bios. What can I do? This sucks.

Thanks in advance!

Dual booting ubuntu & windows 11 on my framework 12 gen intel 1260p. Samsung 980 pro 2tb. 64gb gskill ram

UPDATE 7/14/23

OK OK UPDATE!!! I went into the bios via f2 key while in the boot loop, and I turned off the ubuntu boot option. So only the windows image is checked. Now windows boots up normally, but My ubuntu instalL APPEARS to be unbootable. I reversed it so only ubuntu tries to boot, and back to the boot loop. So somehow, Windows update F’ed up my ubuntu install?

Disk management shows the ubuntu partition as an unnamed “healthy partition.” It does not list a filesystem type though, which I suspect may or may not be normal.

So would this now be considered a linux issue?

Do you have access to another computer or a windows install usb? You should be able to use one of those to repair your installation.

If you press F3 during boot, does the firmware allow you to select a file to boot?

If so, navigate into the Microsoft directory and select bootmgfw.efi. It may be inside a directory named EFI.


Once this issue is fixed please remember that backups are a must (if you havent already), you dont want to accidentally loose your setup/data.

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You’re def. Correct. I need to spend some money on more external HDDs or something. Or maybe it’s time for a big RAID0 enclosure or something.

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Unfortunately, no, but that does stop it from going into a boot-loop. It just pauses on the screen in the ssecond photo i posted.

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Sorry if i am missspelling things; when i quote reply, my phone keyboard covers up what I’m typing. So I can’t see what I type, while I type. Idk if this is a forum thing, browser thing, or phone thing.

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Yes i do, I’m going to try now to make a windows 11 recovery or install drive. I hope it will work on my windows 10 desktop. Will post back with an update

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Yuh know pal, maybe its time for you to get the linux treatment. Mint should go well for you.

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You do know what this error means, right?

Do you have Bitlocker enabled by any chance? Device Encryption?
Windows 11 have it on by default.

If the built-in firmware menus don’t show up (F3, F2 and F11), no amount of install media or USB drives is likely to help you.

“Volume Corrupt” is a UEFI/system firmware status code.

Contact support and tell them everything you’ve tried. Include the photos of the failures.

In the meantime, consider trying different RAM or switching around the order of your memory modules.

I actually am/was dual booting ubuntu 23.04 and Windows 11. Just because there are some programs I use that aren’t available on Linux. But I do use ubuntu for most of my daily computing needs and I like it better than windows! Thanks to framework for having a getting started with ubuntu guide, as this is what got me to try it. I used to dual boot ubuntu like 10 years ago but it was much different then. Haven’t tried it since I got my framework.

I do not know what this means. I am not sure if I have bitlocker enabled.

OK OK UPDATE!!! I went into the bios via f2 key while in the boot loop, and I turned off the ubuntu boot option. So only the windows image is checked. Now windows boots up normally, but My ubuntu instalL APPEARS to be unbootable. I reversed it so only ubuntu boots, and back to the boot loop. So somehow, Windows update F’ed up my ubuntu install?

Disk management shows the ubuntu partition as an unnamed “healthy partition.” It does not list a filesystem type though.

So would this now be considered a linux issue?


Oh, that’s great!

Windows will never tell you anything about the filesystem type on a non-Windows volume. You can ignore that part.

In that case, booting off a Linux USB drive may be your key to figuring this out.


(F3) does not work, but (F2) does work.

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Gonna ping @Loell_Framework into this thread now that we know it’s a Linux issue.

Seems like Windows Update messed up something in your Ubutnu partition. I’d probably try using an Ubuntu Live USB to check the file system and re-install GRUB. Loell probably has more specific steps for this — It’s been a while since I’ve had to do it.


Hi, i’m no pro but my first thought was if you boot from a linux live USB, can you access your ubuntu files? if so the error is most likely to be in the booting process but if not then the whole linux partition may have a problem

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Cool! thanks for the replies. tomorrow morning before I start working I am going to make a bootable Ubuntu USB drive and go from there. wish me luck!

I will use the ole internet search bar and try to figure out how to re-install GRUB. but first I have to try to boot from an ubuntu “live cd” (I’m learning :tada:)

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