Sticking/clicking hinge? 13th Gen

I have a 13th Gen FW13 and it’s been mostly perfect. One thing that’s really bugging me is the right hinge. When it’s not been used for an hour (open or closed). Then I adjust the position, it sticks and then once it moves (after slightly more force) it clicks into place.

If I open and close 3-4x it loosens up again for a while.

It’s not grinding or anything, just not loose. I’ve tried opening the laptop and adjusting the hinge but to no avail. Any ideas? Do I need a new hinge or is this common?

It sounds like the hinge might be deficient. It could be that some lubricant would be a way to continue using this, but I would be weary of that as you don’t want to collect dirt there either, which is what lubricants tend to do when exposed to the elements. It could also just be covering up the real problem.

I would contact customer support and see what they suggest. :+1:

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Just wanted to update.

Support got my to reseat the hinge that didn’t help.

They then sent a replacement hinge out and I replaced it, been perfect since.