when I click on the left side of my touchpad, it seem normal.
when I click on the right side of my touchpad, there is a loud noise and it is very hard to press down. That side is raised compared to the left, and it seems the touchpad is physically catching on the side of the frame that surrounds the touchpad.
if I could adjust the level of the touchpad, I could get it to stop catching, does anyone know of a way to do this?
I dont have my framework laptop yet, so all I can do is speculate, but looking at the touchpad picture at the marketplace, it seems like it is secuded by four screws. You will have to take out the battery and loosen them a bit so you can realign the touchpad.
The touchpad alignment was never the issue, I found that the one of the metal tabs on the touchpad was coated in a strong adhesive, and the tab was sticking to the receptacle under it.
I removed it with acetone.
The black paint on the tab came off, but it seems like it was just cosmetic and not important conductive paint.
maybe you could put that in the guide?
Thank you so much for the hint, that was indeed the issue for me as well! I used some Isopropanol and a q-tip and only removed the residue, not the black paint. After reassembly, everything is fine again.