I recently upgraded my Framework 13 to an AMD Mainboard. I tried to update my computer to Windows 11, but PC Health Check said it’s not compatible because it doesn’t detect TPM 2.0. I ran tpm.msc only to find no compatible TPM found.
So I entered the BIOS, navigated to Security, selected “enabled” in the “TPM Operation” tab, then I saved and exited. This didn’t change anything and when I went back into the BIOS, the TPM Operation tab was reverted to “no operation”.
I’m assuming you’re upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
TPM functionality in FM13 AMD is served by Microsoft Pluton Security Processor.
There are no Windows 10 drivers for that, but Windows 11 should work just fine with it, so you just have to force it to ignore the invisible TPM and upgrade.
How to do that? I don’t know myself, but I assume there are guides online.
I’ll give it a shot! Ironically, about a year, or so, ago my laptop auto-upgraded from 10 to 11 and I reverted it back to 10 when it prompted the option to keep 11 or go back to 10, so I figured it should be able to run Windows 11, especially since it’s one of the default OS’s for the new AMD lineup.
Thanks for the feedback, I’ll let you know how it works.
Well, it looks like I was either trying to take a short cut that doesn’t exist, or I must have done something to my Framework at some point to make it incompatible. Either way, I was finally able to upgrade to Windows 11 by purchasing the software from Bestbuy and putting it on a USB flashdrive to boot off of.
The Original Poster is upgrading from an older Intel FW13, which supported Windows 10, to AMD motherboard, so this doesn’t apply.
Also, AMD FW13 works fine with Windows 10. The only quirk is that the TPM doesn’t work, which is no big deal because Windows 10 never required a TPM.