Geez - so many weird off-shoot questions today. First, I’m on Fedora Linux… does it sound weird to you too? Its almost like the speakers are making a muffled/garbled noise - anyway, I haven’t tracked down where I can change this… and I might be better suited just searching for Fedora information -
Is your A/C connection sound muffled/garbled? Have you changed it? Am I complaining about an OS issue on a forum?
Yea, @nrp I think I’m referring to the Fedora-specific sound. Its not that… its horrible; but it almost sounds like its an error, or COULD be a bad speaker… I think it just boils down to the specific sound and I’m searching to replace it. Its not in settings nor Gnome-tweaks, but I’ll dig a little deeper and I’m sure I can find a way to switch it.
Anyone else agree, tho, that this sound is a bit weird?