Batches Shipping Log

You should have it well before you move. You are only two batches from the current notification, so I’ll be surprised if you don’t have it by mid-June, even with some delays.

Nope. That’s apparently a secret.

Batch 16 has shipped!

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Any other Batch 16 people’s shipment trapped in customs? Mine has been there for almost a week now :frowning:

Yep, it’s being discussed in FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Some were released today. Others not. Hopefully tomorrow.

B16 shipped today

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My Batch 16 arrived today.


Bath 15, I’ve been waiting 8 days, still stuck in customs.

Like others, my Batch 16 is stuck in Customs in Alaska. Maybe the fact I didn’t get the graphics module is suspicious. Sorry, everyone! :sweat_smile:

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Same here stuck since the 14th. I called FedEx and they said there is a longer than normal delay through customs. Not much more info than that other than there are 191 packages on the pallet that is being held.

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My shipping info just updated and it looks like it’s been cleared. Hopefully everyone else’s has too.

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No such luck, my batch 15 is still stuck waiting on clearance.

I’m in Batch 18. Have any of you fellow B18s gotten a shipping notification or charge yet?


I think we’re expecting the order processing email this week, then the charge and shipping email 4-5 days after that!


Batch 16, mine’s delayed in customs apparently

Hopefully customs goes smooth for Batch 17.

Batch 17 card charged


Batch 17, Western Canada
Card charged

Can’t wait :grin:

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Batch 17 here. I got a shipping notification before my card was charged, lol.

Expecting delivery tomorrow!

Edit: Chicagoland area.

Shipped batch 17