BIOS boot order

In the BIOS, the EFI boot order appears read only. How do I change the boot order’s default first choice? Right now, the system defaults to booting from the USB expansion card as first choice, which I do not want. My expansion card contains Manjaro, and NVMe contains Ubuntu. I want to always boot to Ubuntu by default, unless I invoke the boot menu on startup to change it as a one-time thing.

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I had this issue happen with me recently. You can fix this by going to the “Boot” section in the BIOS and changing the “New Boot Device Priority” from “Auto” to “First.” Then you can go back to the list of boot devices and edit it!


There are times when I would like to boot to a USB device.

Do you know how i could set the BIOS to do that please. On most occasions I do want to boot to my operating system.

Thanks for your help

Set “New Boot Device Priority” to “First”.


For Windows, Ubuntu dual system, possible to get GRUB list menu pop for each startup?

So that I do not need F2 or F12 in case I want to switch to non-default boot.

I set timeout 5 but still do not see it during the start.

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