Blank numpad module?

I like the look of the blank ANSI keyboard. Haven’t seen anything like it, and I definitely want to get it. I also want a numpad module, but I’m afraid the blank keyboard would look goofy with a numpad with visible keys.

Is a blank numpad going to be offered? The only numpad module available on has printed keys.


Is that assuming that the blank macro pad won’t suit your needs?

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I was looking at that one, but I’m not a fan of the transparency. I’ll probably just get the INTL Linux keyboard with the regular numpad module.

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Ah I see, I misunderstood what you were after, the visible part made me think you were wanting clear keys

I see how that was bad wording. For the future, maybe a better term is ‘labeled keys’.

Yeah, I recently wondered about this as well.

Personally I just went with the blank ISO layout without a numpad.
Really looking forward how clean it’ll look in person, I feel it’s gonna be awesome :​)
(I just figured out how to do normal text emojis with a zero width space :​D )

I would love to see a macropad with blank black keycaps offered as well. I’ve considered getting clears on both the main keyboard and the macropad so it at least matches, but it just doesn’t sit well with me. I like the clean blank aesthetic, not the RGB/tech aesthetic – key switches aren’t the most attractive looking hunks of plastic. :sweat:

I’d also love numpad without labels