Bluetooth mouse won't reconnect after waking from sleep

Sometimes (not always) when I wake the laptop from sleep my BT mouse get’s disconnected and I am unable to reconnect. Things I tried are: re-enabling BT , forget and pair the mouse again , turn off/on mouse itself, re-sleeping and waking laptop again.
I actually have to restart the computer to get it to connect, which is annoying!

FYI: This is the mouse im using

I am seeing similar but slightly different behavior. I have to cycle my Logitech MX Ergo and K860 keyboard from device 1 to 2 and back before it will “Auto-Connect”, both after a (re-)boot and waking from sleep or hibernate. They will eventually reconnect but may take 3 tries across a minute to make a reconnect happen.I even tried adding both to trusted devices, and adding systemctl scripts to turn on scan and discoverable properties of the AX210 card. Same behavior on Fedora 35 and EndeavourOS in every 5.15.x kernels I have tried. Seems to be an undesirable “feature” of BT on the AX210 with current drivers to not auto reconnect HID devices. Auto reconnect audio devices seems to work as expected, even on login / lock screens.