I’ve seen a few posts about this, but they’re old and I haven’t seen any updates. I’m on the newest Bios 3.0.5, is there still no way to make the 2230 the boot drive?
Has this been a problem? Surprising, I thought it was just a matter of selecting your preferred boot drive & it just works. Doesn’t seem to be a problem on other laptops, even with slightly uncommon drive setups. I have a Thinkpad with an 2242 M.2 intended for a cellular modem. Only a sata ssd is compatible. 2242 M.2 sata is not so common & the slot is really meant for a modem, but no problem using it.
Ya, just can’t seem to actually select it. It shows up in the bios, but when I try to select the boot drive, it’s not even an option.
Not ideal, but you can try using grub, then booting windows from Grub
It was certainly an option before the 3.05 BIOS - but it is very strangely worded. I can’t reboot mine at the moment to check exactly where it is, but it is on the F2 BIOS entry.
I ended up taking out the 2280 out and installing the OS on the 2230 and then putting the 2280 back… Pain in the ass but better than most laptops.
You have to change the “New Boot Device Priority” option from “Auto” to “First” or “Last”, then you’ll be able to change the boot order in “EFI Boot Order” screen.
This was discussed previously here: Changing EFI Boot Order - #2 by Kent_Anderson
I’m dual booting Windows 11 on the primary drive and Pop_OS! on the 2230 successfully, turned secure boot off, installed Pop_OS! to the 2230 using balena/rufus from windows, rebooted and mashed F12, booted Pop_OS! and continued the setup. Using the COSMIC alpha iso if that helps.
A small tip, only ever boot to 2230 using F12, otherwise most times when you reboot to windows 11 you will need to enter recovery codes.