Customer Support (Improvement) Suggestion

This is more of a meta request about how Framework’s customer support can be made a bit better. At the moment, when a user raises a request, all they get is an email which says

Thanks for reaching out. Unless you clicked “Yes, close my request” on one of our suggested articles, a member of the Framework Support team will be with you as soon as possible. Responses outside of weekdays and working hours in the US may be delayed. If there are any photos, videos, or screenshots that would help us resolve the issue, please reply with them attached.

This is hardly ideal because customers don’t know what’s going on.

  1. Provide a customer ticket number whenever a customer raises a support request.
  2. Allow users to see the status of their request on the Framework support website. While it is fine to communicate via email, having some sort of portal where users can track their raised tickets and their communication history would make the service experience a lot better.
  3. This one may be a stretch to implement given that Framework is a young company, but implement an actual chat/call service which allows a customer to speak with the support staff directly.


The impetus for this post comes because I raised a support request on Monday evening (EST). I just got a boilerplate response without even receiving a customer ticket number. This must have been generated internally so why not simply share it with me so that I can use it in my future correspondence with you?

Given that I didn’t have a response, I thought that my request simply disappeared into the void, but then users on Reddit and on this forum have posted that it takes Support 4-5 days to respond. This was re-assuring because now I will just have to sit back and be patient.