Not sure but just went to turn my laptop on after just receiving it in the mail today. The display does not turn on and I get the LED’s blinking that it is the Display not initializing. Any idea on fixes?
Thank you guys for the info but sadly it was powered on for more than 15 min and still had a black screen. The LED’s however did blink with on the 12 blink it was red and from what the docs says on framework’s website the post code is 10011111? Any ideas?
Sorry if you have read this but it’s unclear from your post:
^^ Check the lights to see if they match up to an error, or try the steps at the very bottom.
You could also try rebooting with just one RAM module in channel 0. That did the trick for me the first time my laptop didn’t turn on.
@David_Loder can you reach out to support. It looks like you already diagnosed this as a display issue.
Framework | Support at the bottom of the page.
Blink code is 10011111 = 0xF9 - no boot device. However at this point you should see a boot error message on your display.
So I read the article about the RTC Battery being the issue. However I did disconnect the battery and RTC battery, and then reattached the two batteries and still after starting over again I keep getting the same error codes with a red LED on the 12th blink. I don’t think it’s the RAM as it gave the okay in the error code and I am not sure if it is anything else.
Thank you @pixelforest @Kieran_Levin for the help. So I did reach out to support and so far we tried the RTC Battery method and I checked the display connection . So far I am still getting the display code with the LED lights. But just got an update that I will be receiving a new display module to see if that fixes the issue
Just received my batch 3 diy framework(1185g7) but no luck with picture on the screen. I am having same 12th red blink. Reset rtc battery did not help.
It’s the display. I got lucky as I just needed a new display cable and it worked. If not external monitors still work to hold ya over if needed
I am actually not that lucky. At first support were happy to send me replacement display module but then I asked if they can send it to Europe. After that they cancelled it and said that I haven’t any warranty. Don’t how it works legally, I bought laptop to shipment forwarded address in US. Waiting for 3 months and got pumpkin instead of dream laptop:(
Funny part that everything was ok before I asked about shipment to Europe. Btw are there any service manuals for display modules? In case I have to fix by my own or local workshop? @FrameworkSupport
I had the same problem, but it seems support is no longer helpful. After going back-and-forth, they are claiming it’s “customer-induced damage” and refusing replacement. I’ve had the laptop for 13 months and the supposed damage occured while closed in a case.
Anyone have luck with escalating past T1 support?