i am wondering, if anyone made any progress on the problem with external USB-C monitors not working with only one cable?
Here is the problem:
I want to use a external Monitor with my Framework 13 AMD n(WIndows 11). It is a cheap Monitor from Amazon (Amazon.de) which should work with only one cable (power and video over usb-c). Sadly, it won’t work with only one cable.
What works and what doesn’t work?
Powering the monitor with a GAN or 65W charger and connecting the laptop via USB-C (USB-C Modul with USB-C cable) works just fine.
Powering the monitor with a GAN or 65W charger and connecting the laptop via HDMI-Cable (HDMI Modul with HDMI to HDMI-mini cable) works just fine.
Connecting the Monitor via USB-C cable with my SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 7FE works just fine (no additional power needed).
Connecting the Monitor vie USB-C cable with a Lenovo Ideapad works just fine (no additional power needed).
Connecting the Monitor via USB-C cable to the Framework laptop does not work (only the Cable, tried all 4 different ports, tried without any Modul)
What i tried to solve this issue
As you can see, i tried a lot of different ways to connect the Monitor and the result is, that it works but not in the way i wan’t it to work with the Framework 13.
I checked if the BIOS is on the newest version (3.05). Updated all drivers from the Framework page.
I even contacted the Support, gone through all the troubleshooting until we came to the point of switching the MoBo. Did not help either.
I checked the Forum for this problem and it seems that this problem happens for a lot of people.
Since these posts are a bit in the past, I am wondering if Framework has done something to address this issue or if anyone has solved the problem by itself?
My external USB-C monitor is working just fine with a single cable connected to my Framework 16. Have you tried different monitors?
There may be a mismatch between what power the Framework can deliver over USB-C, and what your monitor requires.
The biggest issue is not all USB-C monitors are the same. Most of the issues stem from cheap monitors that will work right with some brands of laptops but not others.
I would suggest trying a model of monitor someone knows to have worked or just keep trying ones until you get one that works with one cable like you want. Others have had success going through a Thunderbolt hub first then to a monitor.
I guess that would work as a solution, but sadly not for me, i can’t just buy another monitor.
It ist interessting that this Monitor works with every other output Device (in the meantime I tried with 3 other Laptops from friends) just not with the Framework and shouldn’t it be possible, i mean the Hardware is there. It is in the end just a Software issue which Framework isn’t addressing.
I guess I am stuck with using two cables eventhough it should be possible.