Framework 16 restarting at random times with no warning


So today I got my Framework and I couldn’t be happier! The only issue I found is at times, with no warning my PC just goes black and restarts…no warning or anything just turns off… I’m not sure what could be causing this.

It’s important to note that I have an EGPU connected running an Nvidia Geforece RTX 2070 Super…I’ve mangaed to connect them and they’ve been working well, but I’m not sure if that is a factor or not.

The times it crashed were not when I was gaming or anything, but really when I was just idel watching a video or just not looking at my computer…it’s almost as if it fell asleep and just restarted…

Any help is much appreciated…Thank you!

Does it really reboot or does it only go into standby (like if you closed the screen lid)? If it’s only going into standby, you might just have triggered the lid sensor by putting something magnetic (including other laptops or certain rings) next to or below the laptop.

Do you know the location of the magnetic sensors? I try to do this. Keep the lid open but put a magnet at the sensor but it doesn’t work.

I’ll see the magnet thing but I’m positive it fully restarts…it shows the framework logo when it does it and my computer goes to the Lock Screen with most applications closed off

So I posted a post a month ago when I first got my laptop that it would sometimes restart with no warning…and it just happened again… wondering if there is way where I can check why it happened in the first place?

And I actually check event viewer and my eror says the following “The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.”

I would suggest using the computer without the eGPU connected, but considering it has been a few weeks since the issue last occurred, you may be waiting a while.

Mine didn’t restart, but completely shut down. It only happened twice since I got mine from batch 6. Once when I was in game playing, the game started to go rather slow and sluggish, but the mouse was moving just fine then boom powered off. Then a few months later when I powered it on, it powered its self off again.

I do leave it plugged in 24/7, and shut down every night. Windows 11, AMD DIY edition, it doesn’t get too hot and is well ventilated, its connected to 1 external 32’ monitor via HDMI with laptop display opened… I’m wondering what this problem is and how to fix it?

Is the FW16 updated machine to the newest BIOS? I got mine in Batch 6 as well; though I mostly have used it lightly and not as a daily driver. I surmise there are some little issues in the BIOS maybe related to the EC that is causing the panic shutdown/restart.

Yeap its updated to version the 3.03 version and I also updated the drivers from the Driver Bundle 2024-04-02.

I can do without that Adreniln bloatware though, I just wanted the graphics driver not the rest of that crap.

Good to hear you are up to date with the BIOS and the latest drivers.

I had to hunt around on AMD’s website for the “Workstation” drivers for my machine at work that doesn’t come with the excess bloatware of the Adrenaline system. They are much harder to find on their website unfortunately. I have an old version from a year or so ago that I downloaded when I built the system at work and they have been solid.

Had to reload the drivers thanks to Windows corrupting itself and luckily I had squirrelled away that download for safe keeping. I tried looking and gave up after about 10 minutes then remembered I had saved it with all the drivers for the ASUS motherboard when I built the machine a year ago.

If it happens again, you might log a ticket with support. If they see enough of this happening it will get a little more scrutiny from the development team ideally. :white_check_mark:

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