If you haven't ordered yet, what's holding you back?

I need:

  1. A 15" screen
  2. AMD processor and/or dedicated gpu.
  3. Numpad
  4. Touchscreen
  5. 2.5" bay.
  6. Network jack

It needs to be a 2 in 1 Laptop for me.

So a 360Ā° hinge with Pen/Digitizer and touchscreen support. Until that happens, Iā€™ll have to stick with lenovo.
I really like the project though!


Im old, I need 15" screen and I want all AMD Ryzen APU. I donā€™t want to deal with issues on NVIDIA, and I donā€™t know much about Intel GPU performance. So I want an AMD solution.


The main thing holding me back is the screen size.

If it had stylus support, Iā€™d be totally on board for the 13", but with no stylus, I prefer 15" anymore. If there was a stylus option on current size, or 15" screen, Iā€™d have already pulled the trigger.

I am kinda in the market for a new machine for myself. My desktop is dead, my main linux laptop is kinda dead (it works, but is very glitchy, bad cursor jitter, and I pulled it out of commission when the battery started swelling), leaving an 8 year old macbook pro as my only daily driver for personal stuff. I am mulling my options. Do I want to get a cheaper system I can game on, and wait for a framework that matches my needs, or do I get the current offering and just deal with the smaller screen.

  1. no corboot version; 2. no removable bios chip, soldered on the motherboard.
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For me the main dealbreaker is lack of 360 (2-in-1) option and the (current) lack of full size SD card reader.

Being able to prop my current laptop up next to a monitor in ā€œtentā€ orientation and use it with a keyboard and mouse without the laptop keyboard getting in the way is really useful, and the occasional need for hand-held use is also a big factor.

As someone who does filming on a digital camera a full-size SD card is a must. Doesnā€™t need to fully fit the SD card internally, just something so I can transfer files off cards.

While not a total deal breaker, the limited number ports are a bit of a concern. My loadout would be 1x USB-C, 1x-USB A, SD card and HDMI. My current Acer SPIN 5 has 1x USB-C, 3x USB-A, SD card and HDMI. Those extra USB ports are useful to have. If as well as the 4 expansion bays there were 1 or 2 permanent USB-C ports that would leave more expansion bays free for other ports.

Iā€™m personally waiting for 2in1 and shipping to EU.


Good luck on your quest finding a non-existent mainboard, let alone a laptop.


Asked-for section
What kept me from ordering for about six months was the prospect of buying a Zephyrus G15, which would given me double the performance with its Ryzen 9 and wouldā€™ve blown away the integrated graphics in the Framework. Also, a 144Hz display sounded great.

That was one prospect, but a couple of other ones was a Legion 5 with an all AMD lineup (CPU and GPU). I actually ordered it twice, but the chip shortage or Lenovoā€™s own problems lead to the cancellation of those orders. So Iā€™m here, contemplating a Framework, partly because of luck. The other prospect was the new M1X Macbooks. I liked their power efficiency, battery life, integrated graphics, and the possibility of Asahi Linux.

Finally, the prospect of the whole Framework thing simply not working out was a deterrent.

Non asked-for update (I guess)
I ordered the Framework because I figured putting my money where my mouth is, in this case, is totally worth it. I love the computer. I love its value. I love the project. I want this to work. I want a repairable computer. I want a Marketplace of parts. I want to upgrade my motherboard in a few years. I want an AMD or an otherwise efficient and performant CPU. I want to easily install Linux. I want this company to exist and people to know itā€™s much better than scraping glue out of defective Macbooks or whatever.

Oh, and if I can eventually pay decent prices for an eGPU, then itā€™s a no-brainer for me to get this computer. But even though I used to play non-demanding video games in a 2013 Macbook Pro, itā€™s probably best for me to not get into gaming; I see my friends who are intensely hooked on competitive games (Valorant, LOL, Dota, CS Go, Rocket League), and yeahā€¦ Iā€™d like to live my life differently! So maybe not getting the Zephyrus was a dodged bullet? Anyway, FLOSS, Right to Repair, and nice indie games are the way to go for me!

I see this as a bet, for which in the worst case scenario, Framework the company disappears and I end up with an easily-repairable computer.


The lack of GPU. I am about to buy a new laptop so that I can game when travelling for work. If framework had an option with a GPU, then I would absolutely go with them. I thought about going with an eGPU but donā€™t want to deal with not being able to use it on flights and the space it would take up in my luggage.

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Whatā€™s holding me back is (1) money, and (2) not having a gaming-focused laptop (yet), so Iā€™ll have to get a Steam Deck console first. But if a gaming laptop were made according to the specifications mentioned in this thread, I would take it instead of a Steam Deck console, or at least before taking a Steam Deck console. Iā€™m 1-3 years away from the next laptop I will buy, in my opinion.

Edit: Another issue is lack of warranty support in Eastern Europe as of right now.

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Money. Thatā€™s literally it, and thatā€™s on my end. I just want a small cheap laptop I can take around for light tasks instead of being tied to my desk. There are things I really want, mainly trackpad buttons and maybe an AMD CPU, and plenty more Iā€™d like to see and try; but with the modular design Iā€™m fully convinced I could compromise for now and upgrade later with minimal cost and waste, returning components to Framework for parts or refurbishing, or reusing them myself.


I know you guys just started, and need more time to design different types of laptops, but a 2 in 1 option and a pen would be great for many people.


The fact that I already have a laptop and that Iā€™m going to buy the framework next year!

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Iā€™m still looking for a laptop that can replace my Sager from the year 2011.
Framework looks the most promising, but is not there yet.
My strict requirements are:
16:9 aspect ratio screen. 1920 by 1080 resolution. 4k would be okay but is a waste on a laptop.
Keyboard with a 10 key pad.
Blu-ray drive. (Iā€™m not carrying around an external USB Blu-ray drive because they can fit in a laptop just fine.)
GPU thatā€™s better than integrated graphics. (Nvidia GTX 1660 or better)

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I doubt you will find a Blu-Ray drive today. Yes, they fit in a laptop, but the demand is niche and the laptop needs to be thicc for that.

Moreover, 16:10 is the new market standard pretty much. People are preferring taller aspect ratios or ultrawide monitors. 16:9 is moving to redundancy.

I agree with a 10 key numpad and a dGPU tho.


@Nexustastic I think the last laptop I saw for sale that met my requirements was back in 2017. My laptop was still running fine and keeping up with the new ones, so I didnā€™t buy a new one. Now itā€™s not doing so great.
You say thicc as if itā€™s such a bad thing. With the ability to change out components, Framework would do well to offer a chassis that is big enough to fit a better cooling solution and a 10 key pad. Even if Iā€™m the only one that actually puts an optical drive in it, Iā€™m sure others would be stuffing things I donā€™t care about in the extra space.


Not sold in Israel yet. Also, Iā€™m waiting to see an AMD version including a discrete graphic card. Also, not the most critical thing, but Windows Hello support would be a huge plus.


Really hoping it expands globally soon, (although I see why they canā€™t logistically).
Easy buy for me in India.

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  • Hinged touchpad - I really want a haptic one, different force required for a click at different spots drives me nuts
  • Not selling in EU yet (Iā€™d still want a US keyboard though)

Less critical:

  • At this point in time Iā€™d prefer AMD CPU for energy efficiency

Even less critical:

  • Option to have a discrete GPU would be great, especially if it can be plugged in later without replacing the motherboard