Laptop overheated while suspended at my desk

Which Linux distro are you using?
Fedora 41

Which kernel are you using?

Which BIOS version are you using?

Which Framework Laptop 16 model are you using?
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS w/ Radeon 780M Graphics

I left my suspended laptop plugged in at my desk for 24 hours while I was gone on a trip. It was not in a case or anything. When I returned home, the laptop was extremely hot, and wouldn’t even wake from suspend. I force rebooted it and the thermals were around 90 degrees Celsius. I’ve left the laptop asleep in the same way many times, and this has never happened before. It’s been a couple of days since then, and the thermals are still consistently shooting up to about 80 degrees Celsius when doing basic things like having a single browser tab open.

I’ve had a number of issues getting suspend to work properly, so this doesn’t surprise me. Getting hot was one of them. Personally, I just don’t use suspend anymore, but obviously it’d be better if the feature worked as expected. Hopefully you can find the solution :slight_smile:

Do you know anything of what went on during the time you were away? (Is there anything in the OS system logs during that time period?) When you returned and the system would not wake up, were the cooling fans also running? Are the fans running now when it is at 80°? Are the temps as expected when the system is at idle, or are those also elevated now?

Assuming no other changes to software, with the available information, I would guess either the EC is stuck in a bad state and needs to be reset, or there was some hardware failure. Either way probably you will need to contact support since I am not sure how to reset the EC. (I guess you can try unplugging the battery and power adaptor and waiting a minute, but support would know what to do.)

The fans were not running when it was suspended (I don’t think I’ve ever heard them running while suspended, in fact), but they did start running right away when I rebooted. The temps are usually as expected while idle now (roughly 60° C), but prone to easily shoot up to 80 when opening a new application window.

60° idle is much higher than my experience with FW16. My FW16 under light workload is around 44° (23° room temp). Make sure you have power-profiles-daemon installed and that no new services have suddenly started using a bunch of CPU in the background; otherwise, it sounds to me like there is likely a hardware problem and you should contact support.

The system logs might make it clearer whether the resume-from-suspend failure is actually related to the temperature issue or not. Depending on how long you waited for the system to resume it is possible that the CPU was throttled down to 500MHz minimum due to thermal issues/some related EC bug and the OS was just responding incredibly slowly.

Good luck!

On the “balanced” or “performance” profiles of ppd I get idle temps of about 50C, moderate load of 65C and it shoots up to 90C all the time while doing stuff like opening new apps.

The powersave profile however shows the temperatures you mention. Right now, sitting at 41C with a windows VM in the background, loads of apps open and me typing this post.

Which ppd profile are you running on?

I usually run in powersave, but running in balanced shows the same idle temps as powersave. If you have a workload where stuff is constantly going on in the background (Windows VMs are a likely culprit) then it could make sense to see higher idle temps than me in balanced than powersave. However, with what you’ve shared so far, I’m not sure what would explain a new behaviour of temperature spikes.

:person_shrugging:t4: just to point out that I’m currently on motherboard n2 and both behaved identically on that regard.

FYI: This entry is not identical, but very similar to this thread. The op says 7640, the same series with 7840.