Looking for a screen replacement

Hey everyone! Fun little situation I’ve got myself into. I managed to break my Framework’s screen(accidentally shut it too fast with a usb reciever sitting on the hinge). I need to replace it but they are not available on the marketplace yet and its not exactly something I can find something on Ebay quite yet. Does anyone have a spare one I could buy off of them? I’ll pay for the shipping and whatever other fees. I just want to use my laptop again. Love the laptop and everything(I was Batch 2 11th gen), its just a little frustrating that I can’t get a replacement screen for my immensely repairable laptop.

Contact support and see what they can do.


I did, and they unfortunately couldn’t do anything for me. They don’t know when they’ll be available or anything so i’m kind of SOL until they’re available.

I know someone posted about a matte screen on AliExpress a while ago (I think it was this:
https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803031960268.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.617e4c4dWQWeL5&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&_randl_shipto=US) and mentioned it was compatible with the Framework mobo. I haven’t tried it myself, but if you’re in a bind, it might be worth looking into.

@xBrendan Hi there. I found your original ticket from back in September and have reopened it with a response. We have very few on hand that are reserved for service stock but can handle some paid replacements while we wait for additional supply. I’ve created an order for you and just need some information from you on the ticket. If you can respond there, I can get this out the door quickly for you.


As y’all can see, Framework reached out personally to see that I got a screen. I am super thankful for them, never in my life did I think a company would do something like this!! All the more reason to love Framework. I can’t wait to start using my laptop again! Thank you all for the suggestions.


Framework Support coming through again. There’s a post in the framework reddit requesting that people reach out to Support if they have issues. @TheTwistgibber, I don’t recall if there was such a post made here. If not, it might be useful to do so. Finally, if it’s possible to have it pinned to the top of the forum it could help out people who are encountering issues.

I’ve said it before, but I believe that it bears repeating: the few times that I have had to reach out regarding issues Framework and their Support team have exceeded expectations. Give them a chance to help.


@lbkNhubert I did initially reach out to support a couple weeks ago and at that time there wasn’t much they could do for me. This time, they came to me! Regardless, they are fantastic and deserve the highest of praise.


@xBrendan - I’m glad that you got it worked out. I should have been clear to state that my post was not directed specifically at you, but in general, to anyone who is running into issues that are beyond what the community can help with. At that point, it makes sense to engage Support. Sometimes that interaction may involve politely requesting that a ticket be escalated for further review. None of us is perfect and I know that I appreciate a second opinion or a second set of eyes checking on something that I am working on.

Have a great rest of your day.

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