OLED option for display

That’s fair.

But with so many laptop manufacturers building machines with OLED displays this year, I’m assuming that some significant progress has been made on their durability and I’m sure they’ll only get better.

I don’t have the time to research the topic in detail but I’m 100% sold on OLED since I bought an OLED TV 5 years ago. It produces the best image I’ve ever seen and has no burn in or signs of wear. However, I do understand that TVs don’t display as many static pixels as a computer screen would be expected to and the problems that causes, etc.

Those OLED blacks though… chef’s kiss


One person saying this when oled burn-in is well documented doesn’t change that fact. Put your 5yo TV next to a brand new one of the same model and the burn-in on yours will become immediately clear. They do a good job of hiding it with software.

Okay, it’s not something I can test very easily, but I guess you could be right.

Mini-LED screens are also capable of producing perfect blacks. :smiling_face:

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