Got my 12th gen and loaded Ubuntu. Had some issues, so did an install of Manjaro. Things are almost all sorted out (yay!) but I have this screen issue with lines at the bottom. Any ideas on what I could try to fix it? I think I had them with the Ubuntu install too, though I had other issues I was focusing on so I’m not 100% sure.
Considering that you saw the lines on 2 different installs, I’m inclined to believe it’s a hardware defect, and Framework should supply you with a replacement. Definitely get in contact with support.
You could also try reseating your display cable
I’ve this issue happen before as a software issue - in particular, I have an old ThinkPad with an AMD iGPU that used to show really trippy multicolored lines on the screen after waking up from sleep with certain old Linux kernel versions, as a flaw in the driver would cause it not to reinitialize the graphics buffer correctly.
However, I would suspect this to be more likely a hardware issue, since the Intel iGPUs generally have excellent support in Linux. I have the older 11th gen, but I’ve always used Linux and I’ve never had an issue like this on it. The best way to confirm this would be to install Windows on a small partition, or maybe a USB HDD if you have one - Windows has a completely different graphics stack, and I don’t know if they still do, but in the past, Intel and AMD used to maintain completely separate drivers for Linux vs Windows. If both of them show this issue, it’s almost guaranteed to be a hardware flaw of some kind.
Some specific actionable things you can try, in addition to reseating the display cable (go up to step 6, then skip to step 10), is to run memtest86 - it’s a program you boot up into from a USB drive, and it exhaustively checks your RAM to see if it corrupts after it’s written to. Since the iGPU uses the regular system RAM, faulty RAM can show up as glitchy visual artifacts like this (although you’ll generally also get weird, inexplicable, unstable behavior elsewhere too, and it usually won’t be consistent).
Whatever you do, I’d definitely contact support - if this is a hardware issue, you can probably get it covered under warranty.