[Shipping] Asia / Taiwan / Singapore orders


I’m from Singapore.

Understand Framework laptops are manufactured and shipped from Taiwan, any estimated timelines where we can order and ship from Taiwan?

Of course, really hope if I can do a direct order to Singapore thou.

PS: I did thought of freight-forwarding a laptop from USA. However doesn’t make sense for the laptop to make a round trip back from a “green and sustainable” perspective.

Cheers! :wink:


I’m from Taiwan.

It’s a shame that they can’t ship to Taiwan, too. :sob:


Yeah…It’s weird that consumers here in Taiwan can’t get framework laptops manufactured here…Hope we can order it soon :DD


Hello, recently I came across this product and was amazed by the overall concept, however, I learned that although:

the product is currently can’t directly be ordered in Taiwan, which is really unfortunate considering the little shipping cost it may possibly have.

I understand there are many things to consider when it comes to ordering availability and you already have a page to submit an availability request, however, I think a forum thread would help people like us to express our concerns in public and probably have a transparent communication regarding this issue.

Thanks for your hard work!
林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin)

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I noticed that there’s already a similar thread at [Shipping] Asia / Taiwan / Singapore orders, oh well.


Note that the order availability now includes Taiwan:

Good luck to the friends in neighboring countries.

Bumping up this post. Another singaporean upvote here

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Any update? I would buy a unit in Singapore if it is available.

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Please don’t forget to head to Framework | Fix Consumer Electronics , choose your country/region from the drop down menu and register your interest.


I got tired of waiting and decided to purchase FW via a relative in the UK. But Framework intentionally made it difficult to do so (blocked further purchase attempts by my account because the card I first tried is issued in Singapore).

still eagerly waiting

This may seem sensitive to ask but since Framework laptop is officially available in Taiwan, do Framework interested in selling laptops and parts in the ASEAN market (specifically in Viet Nam). I can wait until September 2025, it would be nice to be support your cause and I myself is keen on having a flexible product that can fit into my need, especially for CS major. Thank you!

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Did you read the post above and register ?

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Yeah I did all of that. I just want some confirmation on Framework laptop coming to South East Asia someday, not ETA, just whether if Framework’s product be sold officially here.

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I don’t thinki you will get any relevant answer. When they are ready to ship to new countries they will inform it through blog/newsletter.

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Yeah I think I’ll wait until then.

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