[SOLVED] Framework store: please correct German translation

The frame.work store’s header under Outlet: “Factory Seconds” is incorrectly translated. Seconds is not used in the sense of “part of a minute”, but “not first choice”, and the German translation is using the former, which is wrong.

Maybe you could quote and provide a link to the error?

So what do you suggest ? :slight_smile:

At our factory outlet in Westerheim, we offer you factory seconds out of our product range.

In unserem Fabrikverkauf in Westerheim bieten wir B-Ware aus unserem Sortiment an.

Collections from previous seasons, samples and factory seconds are on sale here.

Sie finden hier Kollektionen aus früheren Saisons, Musterteile und Produkte zweiter Wahl.

We never sell refurbished heaters or factory seconds as new.

Wir verkaufen nie geüberholte Heizungen oder Fabriksekunden, wie neu.

Sorting by own criteria then allowed the structured resale of the factory seconds.

Die Sortierung nach eigenen Kriterien ermöglichte den anschließenden strukturierten Abverkauf der Zweite-Wahl-Ware.

The error is here:

All red texts have a terrible translation. In English they would roughly be

  • Seconds (as in minutes) from factory
  • Last Generation (a radical climate movement group that’s often in the media, members like to glue themselves to roads and vandalize art), alternatively “last/current/newest generation”
  • (not a German word)

Suggestions for better translations:

  • Zweite Wahl (ab Werk)
  • Vorgängergeneration
  • Wiederaufbereitet (or Aufbereitet) ← notice the “t” at the end

Ok that’s quite funny but who does the translations :rofl:

Thanks for that

They look like something what Google translate (or maybe even a crappier translation service) would spit out when you don’t give it any context.

But I can’t explain the typo in the last word.

I don’t get it. To use Google someone has to use a keyboard and when I did a translate based on ‘factory seconds’ I got what I showed.

That was from a DuckDuck go search

The mind boggles as to how someone can not do that. Surely there’s no AI (DI) Dumb intelligence that just does the whole webpage etc.


OK I’d better get back to reality ~ the land ~ to set my soul free.

Nice chatting with you.

Oops, that took off a bit after I first posted.
I second [sic] the suggestions by @Jonathan_Haas - well chosen and best fitting. Take note of his hint about the spelling mistake, as well.

While you’re at it, the german keyboard needs some fixing too. One of the ‘ctrl’-keys is translated to ‘strg’, the other isn’t, ‘home’ and ‘end’ are translated to ‘pos1’ and ‘ende’ but ‘page up/down’ in between aren’t. In my opinion non-translated function keys are fine, but it would be nice to have some consistency here.

Thank you for the feedback, I’ve escalated this internally!



Has been fixed. The new translations look good!

I started this thread and I approve the solution. :+1:
Well done!

Yay! please let us know if you see more weird translations.

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