I had a problem with my Framework 13 where the front of the case started to bend, creating a gap.
It was actually a slightly puffy battery that was causing this. Apparently, a swollen battery is referred to as a “spicy pillow”. This is a term I only learned while investigating this issue. I wanted to create this post, just to make it easier for other people to find this specific problem in the forums.
The battery actually didn’t look too puffy to me.
However, upon removing the battery the case closed perfectly. To make myself look better, I’ll avoid mentioning how long it took me between first noticing the problem and finally figuring out the solution (and how at first I just tried to mash the input cover down and screw it on more tightly.)
The solution, of course, was to order a new battery. I removed the old one to be safe once I realized that it was “spicy”. Fortunately, the Framework has no problem running without a battery.
Now the new battery is in, and my input cover is nice and flat again. Thanks Framework for the easy repair!
(By the way, this puffing started happening after three years, and I wasn’t using any charge limiting, but I’m going to start now since I almost always have the laptop plugged in.)