What is the difference between Antenna Module for Chrome book and 13 inch?

What is the difference between Antenna Module for Chrome Book and 13 inch? Framework | Framework Laptop Antenna Module I asked tech support last week but have not got an update on when the 13 in antenna modules will be back in stock the 13-inch. PS. I know there was an outage of the ticketing system but since the outage did not occur last week still waiting for a response.

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You’re not alone on the very delayed response from support. I sent in a support ticket Tuesday morning EDT and am still waiting on a response. Growth is nice for a company. Planning ahead is even better. Now time to play catch-up.

Well, I finally got to use my engineering skills. this card from Amazon fits perfectly and comes with its own antennas. Just follow the instructions for removal and take out the old and put in the new. Dang, I love this ability to modify these systems so easily. Bets of all it is cheap and came in 1 day.
So I am up and purring again. I actually think I am getting better reception through the new card.