Where can I purchase a replacement Wi-Fi Bracket for a Framework laptop? The bracket is pictured here: https://d3t0tbmlie281e.cloudfront.net/igi/framework/tpT1vWv52eOPHeOd.large
Where can I purchase a replacement Wi-Fi Bracket for a Framework laptop? The bracket is pictured here: https://d3t0tbmlie281e.cloudfront.net/igi/framework/tpT1vWv52eOPHeOd.large
You’ll need to contact Framework support to see if you can get just the bracket. It’s not separately available otherwise AFAIK.
And welcome to the forum.
Thanks MJ1, We contacted support and they didn’t sell them. They recommended that we contact the community. I searched EBay for it but didn’t find one for sale. Is there someplace else I should look?
Do you own a Framework laptop? I would have though they would have been able to get you one if so.
Not sure where one could source something similar. Perhaps aliexpress, or maybe there is a 3D printable model on a model sharing site.
My son owns one. He contacted support through their email and they sent him here. I understand that the brackets are metal because they provide additional ground as well as support. I would love to get the AliExpress link for purchase or the 3D model for printing… if that is the only option.
Hmm, can I ask where that came from?
I really wouldn’t think they are needed to provide an extra ground. If it was for EMI shielding (which would need the extra ground), well, other Framework mainboard versions have used a transparent plastic clip. And other laptops I’ve seen don’t have such clips. The cables and connectors themselves are shielded. Which are also found in some routers & other wifi devices without any additional shielding at the connectors. I imagine it’s possible that the amd card needed a little extra to pass FCC limits on EMI emissions in order to be sold.
My understanding was that the clips were just to ensure the wifi cables are routed properly, prior to one trying to close the case. The plastic ones at least also helped to ensure the cables weren’t bent wrong when inserting the card, which could risk breaking the connectors off the board. I don’t think the clips are really necessary. If the screw head isn’t large enough to hold the card down by itself, you could add a washer.
Afraid I don’t have a AliExpress link. I just know that a lot of otherwise hard to source parts can be found there. I’ve used them myself to get parts that expensive or just near impossible to get otherwise. Unfortunately, their search function leaves a lot to be desired. As it is with a lot of sites these days.
And I don’t recall anyone posting a 3d model for a clip here on the FW forum.
Early versions were made of metal and did connect the grounded bodies of the connectors together and must have connected them to the laptop frame (ground) because it was screwed into the frame. My 11th gen had this and I think my 12th gen has this too.
But later models do use a plastic piece, meaning it was unnecessary for grounding. It appears this is just to align the connectors and keep them in place.
You could use kapton tape in a pinch. I suppose you could even omit it and it may hold.
I have the new plastic bracket, and cannot for the life of me figure out how to reinstall it since the pictures in the guide use the old metal bracket and I have the spacial reasoning skills of a particularly dim sea slug.
Can you explain how the plastic bracket fits so it doesn’t block the screw?
Found a picture if that helps at all
From here: What’s new in this year’s Framework Laptop 13: Part 2 (refinements)
Does that match your plastic bracket? Not sure if there might be more than one version.