Will I get new 120hz display?

Hello, I was wondering if a moderator could answer this for me. I just bought a framework 13 on May 28th this Tuesday, one day before the new refresh of the displays. I ordered a framework 13 on that Tuesday with it saying a 60hz panel. Though now when I checked my order on my account it says the new 120hz 2880x1980 panel is on my laptop. Does that mean I’ll get the new updated panel or no? Also extra information, my order just shipped today on May 30th, one day after the new display refresh.

Hey there, the orders with new display are going to be available later this year, can you please share a screenshot to show us where you see 120hz 2880x1980 ? it might be a glitch and I might need to report it internally to get it fixed.

How do you post a screenshot on this? Also it shows it on your order page for all Ryzen framework 13’s with the list of their specs. Dang that sucks I canceled my preorder of the 120hz display since I thought my order would get it, since it said it would :frowning:

You should be able to copy paste the screenshot(or any other image) in the field you are typing your responses. Just make sure that you are displaying your own order and not the specs page of the Framework laptop 13.

It also says here that the new ones ship with the new panel as well that itll ship within five business days and not be preordered? So do i need to return mine and reorder this laptop to get the new display? Cause I was really stoked to get that display

So with the information with the screenshots down below, I assume that means i wont be getting the new display with my order? If thats true can i return this order and reorder one so I can have the newly equipped display? Sorry to spam i just want to figure out what i need to do to get this new display as 120hz is what ive been waiting for a long time since the 1st gen framework 13.

Hi. Generally once the order has been processed it’s on it’s way to you but you have 30 days to return for a full refund.

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Looks like we have an error there, thank you for reporting this! Our teams will be working on this to get it resolved.

Framework Laptop 13 units with AMD boards and with the new display are currently open for pre-order and they will be shipped later this year.


Okay thank you for the information!

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Hi, is there any update on this? I ordered a Framework 13 prebuilt with the new screen yesterday. I already wrote a ticket to the support team that my order summary was changed the next day without notifying me, I only saw it by chance.

It’s okay if support needs some time to work on this. I only have one request: Could you please put the order on hold until this is sorted out? I just want to avoid unnecessary shipment of something I did not order. I could imagine that other customers are also affected, so maybe it makes sense to freeze all affected orders of that time window.

Hey, sorry for the late reply. I believe the support team will be reaching out to the customer if we have displayed any incorrect information, you can follow up with them. Thanks!

Hi, similar issue here, when I preordered my pre-built core ultra 13 batch 1 it said it had the new display, but now my order summary says it’s the older one… and on the site the new display is only available for DIY batch 2 shipping Q3.

So which one will I get?

Pre-built laptops are shipped with the original displays. Incorrect information was displayed for a short period of time for the prebuilt versions and we have reached out to the customers who has placed an order within that time period. If you have not received an email from us, please let me know.

Also, if you have placed two orders (one DIY and one pre-built) there is a good chance that you checked the DIY but has mistaken it for pre-built, please make sure to check your confirmation email for the correct one.

Yeah I originally ordered DIY but then switched it for a pre-built, but it definitely said the 2.8k 120Hz on the pre-built when I ordered. I wouldn’t have switched it otherwise, and I have a screenshot.

I haven’t heard anything from customer service, just clued in because of the Framework 13 deep dive email you guys sent out.

Gotta say, changing important components after the order and sneakily revising the order summary after the fact is not a good look…

We displayed incorrect information for a short period of time and we have reached out to the affected customers (there were a very small number of them) via email.

If you have not received the email, please DM me the screenshot (showing the order number) or reach out to the support team directly.

Thank you!

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Sure would have been nice if they had told me this when I was asking about switching from DIY to pre-built, now batch 1 is sold out :frowning:

Oh well, I was stoked to support you guys but I’ll have to look elsewhere. Maybe I’ll try again in a few years when I’m in the market for a laptop again.

I’m not sure you understood it as written.

There was no changing of components and therefore definitely not ‘sneaky’. There was an error in the text, which was stated in the post I quoted above ??

Pretty sure alos from the response it will all be sorted out amicably from Frameworks end.

Take care . . .

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No I understood it just fine, that’s just their explanation for WHY it happened.

But WHAT happened is that I placed an order for a specific configuration, and then after the fact they changed it. Whether it was an honest mistake or not, it’s still sneaky to revise the order summary after the order was placed. That’s not the right way to handle it at all.

Especially since I was talking to them at the time about switching from DIY to pre-built and they said nothing about them having different displays (and I compared the specs to make sure they were the same before switching).

And, no resolution from support so far, they’re acting like it never happened.

I was in the same predicament you were in Ryan. I cancelled an order of the new display with me being in batch 1 cause I thought my order was going to have the 120hz panel but now I heard it was mistake but I canceled the preorder of the new display before confirming that, so it was my mistake now I have to either wait till Q4 of this year to get the new display or return my FW13 and get the FW16 instead since after all the orders it would equal out to be the same for base spec FW16 as FW13 with display upgrade costing 300USD. Though while it does suck, it is what it is. I’m just glad I can support a company that puts right to repair first. Other companies aren’t doing this kind of engineering and thoughtful mindfulness for the customer. While they may not be perfect, this business certainly represents the model I want other companies to follow. So I’m proud to support this company and purchase their products. Even if their maybe some mistakes along the way, it’s worth supporting this company.

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